Seminarium fotoniki
Optical response and coupling characteristics of uniaxial hyperbolic spheroidal nanoresonator.
mgr Edward Arumona
Instytut Geofizyki, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski
12 października 2023 12:15
ul. Pasteura 5, sala 1.02
Hyperbolic nanoresonators, composed of anisotropic materials with opposite signs of permittivity, have unique optical properties due to a large degree of freedom that hyperbolic dispersion provides in designing their response. Here, we focus on uniaxial hyperbolic nanoresonators composed of a model silver-silica multilayer in the form of spheroids with a broad aspect ratio encompassing both prolate and oblate particles. The origin and evolution of the optical response and mode coupling are investigated using both numerical (T-matrix and FDTD) and theoretical methods. We show the tunability of the optical resonances and the interplay of the shape and material anisotropy in determining the spectral response.