Seminarium fizyki atmosfery
Estimation of methane emissions using mobile ground-based and airborne analysers
dr inż. Jarosław Nęcki
Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
11 października 2024 13:15
ul. Pasteura 5, B4.58 and online via Zoom
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and while it has a shorter atmospheric lifetime than CO₂, its near-term impact on climate change is particularly significant. This makes methane emissions a critical focus for climate change mitigation efforts. Addressing methane emissions from sectors such as waste management and fossil fuel extraction can yield immediate climate benefits, complementing long-term CO₂ reduction strategies.
Detecting methane is relatively straightforward from an analytical standpoint, but the wide range of concentrations can present technical challenges. Selecting the appropriate detection method is a key objective of current scientific research. During the presentation, I will discuss laser-based techniques for measuring methane concentrations across various matrices. I will compare their applications for both direct and indirect methods of emission estimation, with a particular focus on mobile techniques that enable remote verification of methane emissions. These mobile systems hold great potential for improving real-time monitoring and accuracy in emission assessments.
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