Climate Change 4030-CC

Rok akademicki: 2020/2021
Semestr: zimowy


The outline of the course is as follows:

1) Climate vs. weather. Climate system: components and parameters. Climate measurements and observations.

2) Energy balance of planet Earth. Solar constant, planetary albedo, greenhouse effect. Climate forcings and feedbacks.

3) Natural climate forcings and climate changes across geological history of the planet. Anthropocentric climate forcing and actual climate change.

4) Human fingerprints on climate: evidence.

5) Climate modeling: principles, verification, projections. Climate scenarios. Carbon budget.

6) IPCC assessment and special reports.


During first five meetings (1-5) I will provide a tutorial: 5 two-hour lectureas about physical backgrounds of climate science and global warming. paralellyI wil provide a list of subjects to be actively covered by the students, All participants will  be assigned   (accounting for their topical preferences) to working grouups. The groups will prepare subject presentations, based on IPCC reports and scientific literature. The presentations will be given in the course of the next 6-8 meetings (depending on groups) and discussed by all of us.

In the final few meetings we will collectively summarize the conclusions.

Finally, at the end of the course, every student will wtite an essay on the specific subject related to their interest within the topic of the course.

The final grade will be based on:

  • participation ain presentation (50%)
  • essay (50%)

According yo this year schedule the first meeting will be on Wed, Oct. 21 st.
You will receive invitation to Zoom meeting by e-mail before the meeting.

REFERENCES and readings:

Our course will be based directly on IPCC reports. All relevant reports are available from: https://www.ipcc.ch/reports/

We will also refer to some key scientific papers, in most cases published in renowned journals like “Nature”, “Science”, PNAS. “Nature” and Science” publish not only scientific articles, but also discussions and commentaries which are interesting and written in plain language.

Typical press materials are not recommended.


Zajęcia / Prowadzący Typ zajęć

Szymon P. Malinowski

20 stycznia 2021 13:00

Essay themes and rules

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Essay themes and rules - Informacje dla studentów

Szymon P. Malinowski

20 stycznia 2021 12:15

Social crisis & migration

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentation 06 - Prezentacja
Group 6 - Project-presentation-migrations and cosial crisis.pptx

Szymon P. Malinowski

13 stycznia 2021 12:15

Sea level change

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentation 05 - Prezentacja
Sea Level Change.pdf

Szymon P. Malinowski

12 stycznia 2021 12:15

Food and land use

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentation 04 - Prezentacja
Food and Land Use - Climate Change Presenation (12 Jan 2021).pdf

Szymon P. Malinowski

16 grudnia 2020 12:15

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentation 03 - Prezentacja
Adaptation to Climate Change_Group 3.pdf

Szymon P. Malinowski

9 grudnia 2020 12:15


Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentation 02 - Prezentacja
Climate Change Group 2 Mitigation.pdf

Szymon P. Malinowski

2 grudnia 2020 00:00

Studenr presentations - scenarios

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Final Assignment - Informacje dla studentów
Climate-Change-presentations-final-assignments - Dokumenty Google.pdf
Example-presentation-scenarios - Prezentacja
Clima Change - Scenarios.pdf
Presentation - scenarios - group 1 - Prezentacja
Climate change group 1-1.pdf
- Informacje dla studentów
Kopia Climate-Change-presentations-final-assignments-updated-1.odt

Szymon P. Malinowski

25 listopada 2020 12:15

Climate model incomparison projects, CMIP6

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Lecture 05 - Prezentacja

Szymon P. Malinowski

25 listopada 2020 12:15

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Presentations- themes and dates - Informacje dla studentów

Szymon P. Malinowski

18 listopada 2020 12:15

History of climate change science & dissemination of findings.

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Lecture 04 - Prezentacja

Szymon P. Malinowski

4 listopada 2020 12:00


A brief history of climate of the Earth.

Carbon cycle.

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Wykład 03 - Prezentacja

Szymon P. Malinowski

2 listopada 2020 00:00

Here is  .pdf file with link to google drive location where recorded lectures and classes are available.

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Recorded lectures and classes - Informacje dla studentów
Link to the videos.pdf

Szymon P. Malinowski

28 października 2020 12:00

Energy balance. Radiative forcing. Observation systems. Climate models. Ensemble forecasting. Interpretation of numerical  forecasts.

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Wykład 02 - Prezentacja

Szymon P. Malinowski

21 października 2020 12:15

An overview of climate change problem.

Dokumenty do zajęć:
Recorded lecture 01 - Informacje dla studentów
Lecture 01 - Prezentacja

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