Usługa badawcza

Aerosol and aerosol-cloud Interaction from Remote SENSing Enhancement (AIRSENSE)

Kierownik projektu:
dr Łucja Janicka
Instytucja finansująca:
European Space Agency (ESA-ESRIN)
Okres realizacji:
1 stycznia 2024 - 31 grudnia 2025
dr Łucja Janicka Kierownik projektu
dr hab. Iwona S. Stachlewska Główny wykonawca

AIRSENSE’s main objective is to enhance the understanding of aerosol and aerosol-cloud interactions. This activity is part of Atmosphere Science Cluster of ESA’s EO Science for Society programme, an element of the ESA FutureEO programme, which aims at boosting Europe’s excellence in EO science and its applications. One of the goals of this programme is to establish a strong coordinated scientific effort in Europe on Aerosol and Aerosol/Cloud interaction research by promoting a cooperation between activities launched by ESA and the European Commission (EC), in particular with CLEANCLOUD  and CERTAINTY projects realized within the EC Horizon Europe Call “Improved knowledge in cloud-aerosol interaction” (HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-04).
