Geophysical laboratory I / II (Academic year 2024/2025)

Rok akademicki: 2024/2025
Semestr: zimowy/letni


Geophysical Laboratory  I (summer semester) / II (winter semester)

Rules for Academic year 2024/2025 (both semesters)

Field of study: Geophysics (Physics, II degree)

Organizational unit: Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Coordinator: Iwona Stachlewska (iwona.stachlewska@fuw.edu.pl)

Tutors: Gustavo Abade, Daniel Albuquerque, Piotr Dziekan, Grzegorz Florczyk, Rayonil Gomes-Carneiro, Robert Grosz, Afwan Hafiz, Łucja Janicka, Paweł Jedrejko, Maciej Karasewicz, Camilla Kasar-Borges, Konrad Kossacki, Stanisław Król, Szymon Malinowski, Krzysztof Markowicz, Katarzyna Nurowska, Hanna Pawłowska, Patryk Poczta, Iwona Stachlewska, Dominika Szczepanik, Artur Tomczak, Emeka Ugboma, Marta Wacławczyk, Dongxiang Wang, Olga Zawadzka-Mańko, Piotr Żmijewski.

Important information for students in academic year 2024/2025: 
This topic follows deadlines for the Academic calendar of University of Warsaw

For GL-II,
note that the end of the wintertime exam session (9 February 2025) is the dedline for submiting initial reports;
while the end of the resit exam session (2 March 2025) is the deadline for submiting revised reports, if needed.

For GL-I,
note that the end of the sumertime exam session (29 June 2025) is the dedline for submiting initial reports;
while the end of the resit exam session (1-14 September 2025) is the deadline for submiting revised reports, if needed.

Tutors will assess and give mark ONLY to the reports that were submitted no later than 1 day BEFORE the specified deadline dates!

Tutors will not assess student work-progress/reports during period of summer holidays

IMPORTANT: For those students who performed the exerscize (confirmed by tutor) but did not submited the report, the tutors will give mark "2".


The aim of the Laboratory is to familiarize students with experimental and theoretical methods and advanced analysis of geophysical data. The thematic scope of the proposed exercises includes topics in atmospheric physics, lithosphere physics and planetology.

The laboratory consists of performing three (GL II winter semester) or four (GL I semester) exercises.

Descriptions of the proposed exercises with names of tutors are listed below.

Literature is determined by tutors, according to the individual topic and scope of the exercise.

Assessment of the final grade is based on the student's reports on the selected exercises (3 for GL II and 4 for GL I). Each report is evaluated by the tutor. The final grade is the average of the ratings obtained from the individual reports.

Lack of performing the given above obligatory number of exercises results in failing the subject !!!

The laboratory is realized solely in English.

Student workload:
- preparation for exercises 30h (GL II), 40h (GL I)
- exercises 30h (GL II), 30h (GL I)
- preparation of results and preparation of reports 30h (GL II), 40h (GL I)


Students that have performed a certain exercise in the previous semesters are not allowed to perform the same exercise in the current semester and they are not allower to do any plagiarism, including auto-plagiarism!  

STUDENTS in the submitted reports are obligated to add information: "Herewith, I declare that I have not performed this exercise in any of the previous semesters. Herewith, I declare that there is no plagiarism in this report".

TUTORS are obligated to check the reports for plagiarism and add information: "No plagiarism detected", along with the grade, date, and signature on the first page of each evaluated report.

The scan/photo of this page has to be provided by the tutor to the coordinator asap.


1. The student selects the exercises from the list below and contacts the tutors to confirm that the exercise can be performed in a given semester.
2. Information about selected and confirmed exercises must be communicated by the student to the GL coordinator within 1 month of the beginning of the semester.
3. The student carries out each exercise under the tutor's supervision.
4. After completing the exercise, the student prepares a report and submits it for review by the tutor.
5. The coordinator receives an evaluated final report (with grade) from the student by the end of the exam session.
6. The report must contain the following information in the heather: Name of the laboratory: Geophysical Laboratory I (summer) or Geophysical Laboratory II (winter); academic year; full title of the exercise; name and surname of tutor; name and surname of the student; student registration number at UW (USOS); date on which the first report is submitted to tutor, and if necessary - the date of the revision of the report.
7. The report must be written in the English language.
8. Failure to submit the graded report to the coordinator by the end of the exam session of a given semester means an unsatisfactory grade (mark "2") from the given exercise.
9. The final grade obtained by the student is the average of the ratings of the individual reports (3 grades for GL II and 4 grades for GL I, including the unsatisfactory grades).
10. The coordinator proposes the final grade to the student no later than one week before the end of the exam session.
11. The final grade is inserted to USOS on the last day of the exam session.
12. It is possible to improve each report until the end of the make-up session of a given semester.
13. The final grade is then the average of 3 (GLII) or 4 (GL I) grades (highest grade per exercise).

Zajęcia / Prowadzący Typ zajęć

Agnieszka Makulska, Hanna Pawłowska, Piotr Dziekan

15 października 2024 14:32

The goal of the exercise is to simulate collisions between droplets that lead to the formation of rain in a simplified model. A small volume of cloudy air is considered. Droplets fall with terminal velocities that depend on their sizes - larger droplets fall faster and collect smaller ones. Additionally, droplets move in the turbulent air flow (which can be represented in the simplified model as a random motion). Results of the model with different initial droplet size distributions will be compared.


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