Stanisław Król
mgr inż. Stanisław Król
Instytut Geofizyki
Zakład Fizyki Atmosfery
ul. Pasteura 5, pokój: B4.24
+48 22 55 32 024

Greenhouse gases, atmospheric turbulence, cloud physics, chaos theory, complex systems, anything interesting


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych
Tytuł pracy: "Mieszanie turbulencyjne w chmurach - analiza danych doświadczalnych"

Promotor: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
kierunek: Fizyka Techniczna
praca magisterska o tytule "Badania strumieni powierzchniowych metanu na składowisku odpadów metodą kowariancji wirów"

Promotor: dr inż. Jarosław Nęcki

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
kierunek: Fizyka Techniczna
praca inżynierska o tytule "Pomiary strumieni emisji gazu ziemnego metodą kowariancji wirów"

Promotor: dr inż. Jarosław Nęcki

Udział w eksperymentach

July-August 2023, Barbados
"Scale-resolving airborne temperature fluctuation measurements in subtropical marine boundary layer (SCARAT)"
Maintenance and technical assistance regarding the Ultra Fast Thermometer. Data quality assurance. IR extinction and SST measurements on boat.

October 2022, Bielsko-Biała
"Methane-to-go Poland"
Measurements of methane concentration around mining shafts using helicopter platform. Measurements of temperature using Ultra Fast Thermometer. Data quality assurance.

October 2018, Katowice
"JSUN-CH4 (Joint Surveys of Urban Natural Gas associated CH4)"
Measurements of methane concentration in urban areas in Silesia.

June 2018, Wisła Mała
"CoMet - Carbon Dioxide and Methane observation mission - DLR"
Measurements of methane concentration around mining shafts.

Stypendia i naukowe pobyty zagraniczne

April-June 2021, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
2 month stay at the University of Leeds to work with the group of Alan Blyth regarding EUREC4A.
Financed by independently acquired IDUB grant.

Popularyzacja nauki

Participation in science club "SKN UW dla Klimatu" (science club UW for Climate). 22.05.2024 - presentation "Methane - greenhouse gas" which was additionally streamed online on "Nauka o klimacie" facebook page.
2022 Festival of Science
Help with tours around Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. Help with "Climate Quiz".
2021 Festival of Science
Moderator of online meetings.

Udział w konferencjach, zjazdach, szkołach, kursach

IUGG 2023, 14.07.2023, “Studying non-equilibrium turbulence inside and around cumulus clouds”, https://c-in.floq.live/event/iugg2023berlin/daily_program_iamas?objectClass=programelement&objectId=649483f764c73802ac74848d&type=detail

AMS 2023, 11.01.2023, “Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis to airborne measurements of turbulence in clouds and convective boundary layer”, https://ams.confex.com/ams/103ANNUAL/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/414896

EMS 2022, 09.09.2022, „Recurrence quantification analysis of high-resolution cloud temperature data from EUREC4A”, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022-116

EGU 2022, 23.05.2022, „Recurrence Quantification Analysis of temperature time series from marine cumulus clouds during EUREC4A”, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4094

SMN 2021, 01.09.2021, „Wysokoczęstotliwościowe pomiary temperatury w chmurach za pomocą termometru UFT2b podczas kampanii EUREC4A”, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F2NGUlpGcMnHSrCDAkkc9_FMHiS4I8DC/view

ICCP 2021, 03.08.2021, „Centimeter-scale-resolution airborne temperature measurements in clouds and in marine surface layer during EUREC4A”, https://iccp2020.tropmet.res.in/fnd/program/posterSchedule

EGU 2021, 30.04.2021, „Centimeter-scale-resolution airborne temperature measurements in clouds and in marine surface layer during EUREC4A”, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14645

Projekt badawczy