Mid-infrared ZBLAN glass optical components made by hot embossing technique |
Kasztelanic R., Cimek J., Kujawa I., Golebiewski P., Filipkowski A., Stepien R., Sobczak G., Krzyzak K., Pierscinski K., Buczynski R. |
Optics & Laser Technology157, 2023, art. 108655, 10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.108655 |
We demonstrate the successful development of refractive lenses made of ZBLAN fluoride glass using the hot embossing technique. Synthesized in-house ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF glass is thermally stable and has high transmission in the range of 0.4–8.0 µm. A lens was formed with a brass stamp inside a resistant furnace under standard atmosphere conditions. No mechanical or chemical postprocessing is used to obtain the optical quality of the lens surface. As a proof-of-concept, we have developed plano-convex lenses with a diameter of 10 mm and f#=3. The tested lenses have good imaging properties with a resolution of 23 pl/mm and 8 pl/mm for 1.5 µm laser and broadband thermal source emitting in the mid-infrared range, respectively.