5th edition of the European Lidar Conference
Warsaw, Poland
Organizator: | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics |
Kontakt: | elc2025@fuw.edu.pl |
Registration date: | 31 maja 2025 23:59 |
Data wysyłki streszczenia: | 31 marca 2025 23:59 |
Registration date:31 maja 2025 23:59
Data wysyłki streszczenia:31 marca 2025 23:59
Organizator:University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics
We are pleased to invite you to the 5th edition of the European Lidar Conference - ELC2025 !
The ELC2025 conference will take place in-person on September 10-12, 2025 in Warsaw (Poland), hosted by the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
The EARLINET General Assembly and Council Meeting will take place in hybrid form a day before the ELC2025 conference on September 9, 2025 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
European Lidar Conferences are held under the auspices of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) as well as are supported by ACTRIS Centre for Aerosol Remote Sensing (CARS) and Aerosol Remote Sensing Data Center Unit (ARES). The conference is organized every two years, alternating with the International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), bringing together the lidar community from all over Europe and beyond.
Our goal is to provide a forum for the presentation of knowledge and experiences that will result in interesting and fruitful discussions, exchange of ideas and networking with other participants. We strongly encourage young scientists to take part in this exciting event. It is a great opportunity to meet experts in lidar-related topics and gain new experiences and opportunities for your future work!
Conference Chairs: TBD
Local Organizing Committee:
- Iwona Stachlewska, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Łucja Janicka, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Małgorzata Kulanica, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Dominika Szczepanik, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Katarzyna Dyl, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Krzysztof Dudek, University of Warsaw, Poland
Albert Ansmann, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Germany
Arnoud Apituley, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Netherlands
Adolfo Comeron, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Silke Groß, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Dominika Szczepanik, University of Warsaw (UW), Poland
Georgios Tzeremes, European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC), Netherlands
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Geophysics
Registration is open !!!
To register please follow the link: ELC2025 registration form
- ELC2025 conference is limited to max. 150 participants and therefore "presenting authors" have priority.
- Information on acceptance or rejection of abstract will be provided to them no later than 1 May 2025.
- The registration as "participant" will be confirmed only after this date and no later than 30 June 2025.
- The only registration method is online. There will be no possibility to register for the conference onsite.
Early registration fee is 250 € for all participants.
Deadline for early registration: May 31, 2025
Late registration fee is 400 € for all participants.
Deadline for late registration: June 30, 2025
Registration Payments
It is obligatory to indicate upon registration the need for an invoice and the exact invoice details (institution affiliation, address and VAT number).
The invoice is issued on the day of receipt of payment.
The registration fee must be paid by bank transfer to the account:
Account owner: University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, PL-00-927 Warsaw
Bank name: Bank Millenium SA
IBAN Code: PL 77 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9264
Transfer title: ELC2025 [name and surname]
Deadline for abstracts submission is March 31, 2025.
Abstracts should be sent by email to elc2025@fuw.edu.plwith subject [ABSTRACT].
Each author will receive confirmation of abstract submission.
The decision regarding acceptance of the abstract will be given by email no later than 01.05.2025.
The abstracts are restricted to 4 pages, shorter abstracts will not be accepted.
To prepare an abstract, please follow the attached abstract template.
Important! Each participant is entitled to a maximum of 1 oral or poster presentation.
The ELC2025 programme is organized in several sessions:
- Lidar technology advances (1)
- Lidar algorithms and data products (2)
- Lidar applications in atmospheric sciences (3)
- Lidar applications in ocean sciences (4)
- Lidar synergy with other instruments (5)
Open forum for companies and users.
Time | 10/09/2025 Wednesday | 11/09/2025 Thursday | 12/09/2025 Friday | |
9:00 | 10:30 | SESSION 1 | SESSION 3 | SESSION 3 |
10:30 | 11:00 | Coffee break & Posters | ||
11:00 | 12:30 | SESSION 1 | SESSION 3 | SESSION 4 |
12:30 | 13:30 | Lunch break | ||
13:30 | 15:00 | SESSION 2 | OPEN FORUM | SESSION 5 |
15:00 | 15:30 | Coffee break & Posters | ||
15:30 | 17:00 | SESSION 2 | SESSION 5 | |
19:00 | 23:00 | Social dinner |
Link to the detailed conference program.
Instructions for oral presentations:
The oral presentation duration is limited to 12 minutes, plus 3 minutes for short questions.
Instructions for poster presentations:
There is no official poster template, but remember that the poster must be legible.
We strongly encourage you to make a 1-minute video PICO introductory presentation summarizing the research on a poster.
The PICO will be displayed independently throughout the conference day to present and advertise the content of the posters.
Travel guidance
1) Chopin Airport – Faculty of Physics:
When you arrive at the Chopin Airport (WAW, Żwirki i Wigury 1, 02-143 Warsaw), you can take the bus 175 (direction - > Piłsudskiego) or 188 (direction - > Gocławek Wchodni) at the LOTNISKO CHOPINA-PRZYLOTY 02 stop (it is the starting point of the mentioned lines), travel with bus for the 12 stops, and drop off at BANACHA-SZPITAL 02. Note, that both lines start at the Arrivals.
You can also take a taxi (plenty of them are available at the arrivals). The cost will be approx. 10 euro.
Map 1: Route from the bus stop Banacha Szpital 02 to the Faculty of Physics UW. You need to go to the West direction and turn right to Pasteura Street. The stop is close to the „Jeff's” restaurant and park (you will easily spot this).
2) Warsaw Central Railway Station – Faculty of Physics:
When you arrive at the Warsaw Central Railway Station (Al. Jerozolimskie 54, 00-024 Warsaw), you can take either the bus or the tram. In the case of a bus, you need to reach DW Centralny 29 stop and then take the bus 175 (direction - > Lotnisko Chopina), 128 (direction - > Szczęśliwice) or 504 (direction - > Os. Kabaty) and drop off at BANACHA-SZPITAL 01.
In the case of a tram you need to find the Dworzec Centralny 08 tram stop and choose tram 9 (direction - > P+R Al. Krakowska) and drop off at Och-Teatr stop. After arrival you need to go to the East direction, through Winnicka street and then you will easily spot Faculty of Physics.
Map 2: Routes from the Warsaw Central Railway Station to the Faculty of Physics UW. Tram line is marked by dark red color while bus line with purple. Note: the bus stop (Banacha-Szpital) is in the same area as depicted at Map 1.
3) Tickets:
Available tickets are for 20 min (3,40 zł) or 75 min (4,40 zł), and you can change the transport means as many times as you wish but only during the period when the ticket is valid (the date and hour are on the ticket).
a) Ticket from the ticket machine on the street:
You can get the tickets on the street in the ticket machines (commonly red but sometimes yellow, all available types are shown in Photo 1 (left)). Those tickets are made of thick paper, with a magnetic stripe on the back of the ticket. You can buy them in advance (if needed) since they have to be validated inside the bus/tram with the yellow validator. Validators are typically located close to the door (both in the bus or tram). You need to push the ticket to the red hole (marked with red, Photo 1 (right)) with the magnetic stripe side down. IMPORTANT: do not fold the tickets – folded ones are impossible to validate!
You can pay for the tickets both with a card and in cash.
Photo 1: (left) Ticket machines available on the street. You can select the language on the touching screen. Source: https://tiny.pl/tnqdf807. (right) Yellow validator available on the bus/tram. Source: https://tiny.pl/90p0k2rn.
b) Ticket from the ticket machine in the bus/tram:
You can also get the tickets in the ticket machines inside the bus/tram, where you purchase already validated tickets (made of paper, with the QR code on in).
You can pay for the tickets mainly with a card but in some ticket machines, cash is also accepted.
c) Online ticket:
Warsaw trams and buses have QR codes on the doors or inside the vehicle. You can scan them to buy a ticket quickly. Just open an app like Jakdojade, mPay, or SkyCash, select "Scan QR code" or "Buy ticket via QR," and use your phone’s camera to scan the code. The app will automatically set your fare zone. Choose a ticket (time-based or daily), pay, and your ticket will activate immediately. If there’s a ticket inspection, just show it on your phone.
Registration and abstract submition is open !!!
Second Announcement during ACTRIS National Facility S&T FORUM in Matera, Italy
First Announcement during EARLINET GA and Community meeting, collocated with ILRC31 in Landshut, Germany
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics
ul. Pasteura 5, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: elc2025@fuw.edu.pl
Local Organizing Committee:
Iwona Stachlewska (general organization, conference chairs, program committee, sponsors)
Łucja Janicka (registration, abstract submission, website)
Małgorzata Kulanica (conference secretary, invoicing procedures, dinner)
Dominika Szczepanik (logistics, tourist attractions, visiting our labs)
Katarzyna Dyl (conference secretary)
On 9th September 2025 the EARLINET General Assembly will take place in hybrid meeting form in Warsaw, Poland.
The meeting will be hosted by Warsaw Observatory Station of the Institute of Geophysics at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw.
The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology (EARLINET) was established in 2000 as a research project with the goal of creating a quantitative, comprehensive, and statistically significant database for the horizontal, vertical, and temporal distribution of aerosols on a continental scale. Since then, EARLINET has continued to provide the most extensive collection of ground-based data for the aerosol vertical distribution over Europe. The yearly EALINET General Assembly meetings are one of the most important organizational activities of the network.
EARLINET GA Registration form
In case of organization/logistics questions please contact: rslab@fuw.edu.pl
EARLINET GA and Community Meeting Agenda (available soon)
In case of questions please contact the EARLINET Council:
Important links
EARLINET WEBSITES https://www.earlinet.eu and https://www.earlinet.org/
EARLINET ONLINE FORUM https://earlinetforum.imaa.cnr.it/
Conference venue
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw - ul. Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warszawa
The Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw is located on the Ochota Campus, which brings together several faculties, including Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Geology. Thanks to its modern architecture, characterized by a combination of dark glass and orange wall panels, the Faculty of Physics is easy to recognize.
The building consists of two sections, A and B. Section A is the main part, featuring the largest lecture halls, a spacious lobby, and an inner courtyard with open terraces on the first floor. It also houses a library with a cozy area for studying and relaxing in a quiet, book-filled atmosphere. The conference will take place in Section A, so attendees are advised to use the main entrance, located at the intersection of Pasteura and Pogorzelskiego Streets.
The Faculty of Physics is a major center for research and education. It includes the Institutes of Theoretical Physics, Experimental Physics, and Geophysics, as well as the Astronomical Observatory and the Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics. The faculty hosts not only leading scientists but also state-of-the-art laboratories specializing in quantum mechanics, optics, and materials science. Additionally, the Institute of Geophysics operates a well-equipped measurement station, providing data to internationally recognized research infrastructures such as ACTRIS, EARLINET, CLOUDNET, AERONET, PNG and more.
The faculty is renowned for its international collaborations and significant contributions to global scientific research. It is widely regarded as the top physics faculty in Poland.
Photo 1: Main entrance to the Faculty of Physics UW (building A) from the the intersection of Pasteura and Pogorzelskiego Streets.
Discover Warsaw – The Heart of Poland
Warsaw, the capital of Poland (bird's eye view of the city), is one of the most rapidly developing cities in Europe. Located almost in the heart of the country, it stretches along the Vistula River, whose wide riverbed serves as one of the city's main air corridors. Having been largely rebuilt after World War II, Warsaw offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern energy.
One of the city's most iconic landmarks is the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which was meticulously restored after its destruction during World War II (e.g., the Royal Castle, see Photo 1). While strolling through the charming streets, visitors can explore the Royal Castle and admire the colorful tenement houses surrounding the Old Town Market Square. During the conference, we will offer a guided tour of these picturesque streets, where you will learn about the rich history of the city.
Photo 1: Remains of the Royal Castle in Warsaw after World War II, photographed in 1947.
Source: Wolagiewicz - photographer of Central Photographic Agency (CAF) in Warsaw - Warszawa 1945-1966, Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Prasowe RSW "Prasa" i Redakcja Tygodnika "Stolica", Warszawa 1967, p. 46. The book: Warszawa 1945-1970, published by: Wyda
For those interested in history, the Warsaw Uprising Museum is a must-visit! It offers a powerful insight into the city’s resistance during World War II, providing an interactive experience where visitors are introduced to the full story of the 63 days of the uprising. The museum building is easy to spot thanks to its distinctive shape and the Polish national symbol painted on its exterior.
Photo 2: Warsaw Uprising Museum. Source: https://tiny.pl/qmty9hv0.
Warsaw is also home to the Palace of Culture and Science, a remnant from the communist era when Poland was under the “friendship” occupation of the Soviet Union. For panoramic views, head to the Observation Deck of the Palace of Culture and Science, which is open daily from 10:00 to 20:00. There is also a café, Gwiazdy Bliżej Gwiazd, on the 30th floor.
Photo 3: Palace of Culture and Science. Source: Piotr Wierzbowski, https://go2warsaw.pl/palac-kultury-i-nauki/.
Early autumn in Poland is particularly beautiful, with the landscape bursting into shades of brown and red as the leaves change. If you enjoy nature, you’ll love Łazienki Park, a picturesque garden home to the Palace on the Isle, or the more modern Pola Mokotowskie Park, which is close to the conference venue. Meanwhile, the Vistula Boulevards offer a perfect spot for a scenic walk or a relaxing break by the river.
Photo 4: Łazienki Królewskie Park in Autumn. Source: https://nowawarszawa.pl/lazienki-krolewskie-jesienia/.
For football fans, Warsaw offers the chance to visit one of the most beautiful stadiums in Europe: PGE Narodowy. It is open to the public every day from 10:00 to 17:00, offering three types of tours. In addition, it features a viewpoint with stunning views over the city (open until 18:00).
Photo 5: PGE Narodowy – National Stadium. Source: https://tiny.pl/28k0-m4r.
Food lovers will be delighted by Warsaw’s vibrant culinary scene. In the city center, you can find cuisine from all over the world! For an extraordinary Polish culinary experience, you must try bigos (hunter’s stew) or żurek (sour rye soup). We also recommend trying traditional Polish pierogi (dumplings), which come with a variety of fillings, from meat to cheese, vegetables, and even fruits. If you have a sweet tooth, don’t miss the famous Krówki (Polish fudge)!
Whether you're a history enthusiast, a foodie, a sports fan, or simply looking to explore a vibrant city, Warsaw has something for everyone. Enjoy the dynamic spirit of Poland’s capital!
List of selected attractions:
Royal Castle (Plac Zamkowy 4, 00-277 Warszawa) – Open to visitors from 08:00 to 17:00, but entry is allowed no later than 16:00. Ticket price: 50 zł (approx. 10-12 EUR depending on the exchange rate).
Website: https://www.zamek-krolewski.pl/enWarsaw Uprising Museum (Grzybowska 79, 00-844 Warszawa) – Open to visitors from 08:00 to 18:00 (weekends from 10:00 to 18:00). Guided tours with English-speaking guides are available. Visitors need approximately 2 hours to explore the exhibition. Regular ticket price (without a guide): 35 zł (approx. 8-9 EUR depending on the exchange rate).
Website: https://www.1944.pl/enPalace of Culture and Science (Plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa) – The observation deck is open daily from 10:00 to 20:00. Ticket price: 28 zł (approx. 6-7 EUR depending on the exchange rate).
Website: https://www.pkin.pl/enŁazienki Królewskie (Agrykola 1, 00-460 Warszawa) – Open to visitors year-round. Opening hours vary by season, so check the official website for details. The park is free to enter, but tickets are required for some attractions, such as the Palace on the Isle, the Old Orangery, and the Myślewicki Palace. Standard ticket price: 40 zł (approx. 10 EUR depending on the exchange rate).
Website: https://www.lazienki-krolewskie.pl/enPGE Narodowy (Księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego 1, 03-901 Warszawa) – Open for visitors (guided tours only) from 10:00 to 17:00. Tours allow visitors to explore the stadium’s most exciting areas. You can choose from different tour options, including access to the national team’s locker room, player zone, VIP lounges, and even the stadium’s command center. Price varies depending on the tour route: 30-40 zł (approx. 7-10 EUR depending on the exchange rate).
Website: https://www.pgenarodowy.pl/en
Opublikowany: 3 lutego 2025 06:34
Ostatnie zmiany: 12 marca 2025 14:21