XXXII edition of Fundación Ramón Areces grants for postgraduate studies in Life and Matter Sciences

Dr Pablo Ortiz-Amezcua has been awarded one of the 22 grants given at the XXXII Call for Postdoctoral Studies of Fundación Ramón Areces. This Spanish foundation has the main purpose of support scientific and technical research projects lead by young Spanish researchers. The project to be developed at the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Warsaw is called SEWTABLE (Remote Sensing of Wind, Turbulence and Aerosol Flux in the Boundary Layer), rises from a fruitful and strong international cooperation with the University of Granada (Spain) and its objective is the determination of the emission and elimination of aerosol particles from two different rural environments using remote sensing techniques. The proposed approach will be applied to measurements performed with a combination of Doppler and Raman lidars at a peatland environment, the PolWET site in Rzecin (Poland), and at an olive orchard in Úbeda (southern Spain). The direct and indirect results of this project will be of high importance for weather forecasting, climate change models, and applications of social interest as urban pollution prediction.


Opublikowano dnia - 18 listopada 2020 12:11
Ostatnia zmiana - 18 listopada 2020 12:17
Publikujący - Sekretariat IGF
