Research group
Microphysics of clouds
Atmospheric Physics Department
We investigate the microphysics and dynamics of convective clouds in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales: from the detailed microphysics of individual aerosol and cloud droplets (activation, growth by condensation, and collision-coalescence), to the motion of the whole cloud. To answer our research questions, we develop and apply a Lagrangian Cloud Model, where the cloud-scale flow computed by Large-Eddy Simulations is coupled with a Lagrangian description of the cloud-particle microphysics.
Numerical modeling software developed by our group:
libmpdata++ - library of solvers of the generalized transport equation
libcloudph++ - library for modeling cloud microphysics
UWLCM - LES model model based on libmpdata++ and libcoudph++
- 2025-01: Piotr Dziekan gave a talk about numerical modeling of clouds at the Fluids ZA Seminar at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
- 2024-12: talk about Progress and Prospects of Lagrangian Particle-Based Cloud Modeling at the AGU Annual Meeting
- 2024-11: a ZFA seminar by Piotr Dziekan about modeling stratocumuli using an anisotropic turbulence model
- 2024-10: Piotr Dziekan participated in the nextGEMS hackathon in Wageningen, Netherlands.
- 2024-09: talk about Stratocumulus variability in global storm-resolving models at the EMS Annual Meeting.
- 2024-07: Agnieszka and Piotr participated in International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 2024 in Jeju, South Korea. Agnieszka presented a poster about Pi chamber simulations. Piotr gave a talk about representing randomness in collision-coalescence in cloud models. Our work was also included in a poster about advances in modeling microphysics with particle-based methods.
- 2024-07: Agnieszka and Piotr participated in the 11th International Cloud Modeling Workshop in Seoul, South Korea. We used UWLCM to model cases C (cloud chamber simulations) and D (precipitating cumulus congestus). Agnieszka gave a talk about case C simulations.
- 2024-04: Impacts of stochastic coalescence variability on warm rain initiation using Lagrangian microphysics in box and large-eddy simulations published in JAS.
- 2024-04: talk about marine low-level clouds in GSRMs at EGU.
- 2024-01: Modeling collision–coalescence in particle microphysics: numerical convergence of mean and variance of precipitation in cloud simulations using the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.1 published in GMD.
- 2023-05: Piotr Dziekan and Jakub Nowak lead work of the SGS models group at the NextGEMS Hackathon in Madrid. A brief presentation of results can be found here.
- 2023-04: Piotr Dziekan's presentation at KUKDM2023 in Zakopane.
- 2023-01: Toward a Numerical Benchmark for Warm Rain Processes published in JAS.
- 2023-01: Piotr Dziekan's presentation about collision-coalescence in LES with particle microphysics at AMS2023
- 2022-12: Piotr Zmijewski's presentation summarizing a 2.5-month internship at RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
- 2022-11: Piotr Dziekan's presentation about UWLCM during NextGEMS Storms & Science hour
- 2022-06: University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.0: adaptation of a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian numerical model for heterogeneous computing clusters published in GMD.
- 2022-05: our poster and short presentation won the 3rd prize at the ISC2022 conference in Hamburg
- 2022-04: poster about the Pi Chamber simulation intercomparison at the 16th AMS Cloud Physics conference, Madison, USA
- 2021-12: Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli: Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations published in JAS.
- 2021-08: Piotr Dziekan's talk about parameterization of GCCN in stratocumului at the ICCP2021 conference
- 2021-08: Piotr Żmijewski's poster about randomness in LES precipitation at the ICCP2021 conference
- 2021-07: Piotr Dziekan's talks about Pi chamber and cumulus congestus simulations at ICMW2020
- 2021-04: Piotr Żmijewski's presentation at the vEGU conference
- 2020-11: we participated in the online part of the International Cloud Modeling Workshop discussing the Pi Chamber case (recording) and the Cumulus Congestus case (recording); Piotr gave talks about modeling Cumulus Congestus with UWLCM and about giant CCN in marine clouds
- 2020-05: Confronting the Challenge of Modeling Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics paper published in JAMES
- 2020-05: Gustavo's and Piotr's talks at EGU Sharing Geosciences Online
- 2019-07: paper on the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model published in GMD
- 2019-05: Modeling of Cloud Microphysics: Can We Do Better? paper published in BAMS
- 2019-04: Gustavo's and Piotr's talks at the workshop on Eulerian vs. Lagrangian methods for cloud microphysics in Kraków, Poland
- 2019-03: Gustavo's and Piotr's posters at the UCP2019 conference in Berlin, Germany
- 2019-02: defense of Maciek's PhD thesis
- 2019-02: paper on the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model available for discussion in GMDD
- 2018-11: Gustavo's and Piotr's talks at the 2nd PBCM workshop in Kobe, Japan
- 2018-07: Gustavo's talk at the 15th Conference on Cloud Physics in Vancouver, Canada
- 2018-07: Piotr's posters (1, 2) at the 15th Conference on Cloud Physics in Vancouver, Canada
- 2018-06: Maciek's talk at 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in Glasgow, UK
- 2018-05: Piotr's talk at the Eulag workshop in Warsaw
- 2018-05: Maciek's talk at the Eulag workshop in Warsaw
- 2018-04: paper on third order accuracy in MPDATA published in JCP
- 2018-01: paper on Lagrangian condensation microphysics with Twomey CCN activation published in GMD
- 2017-11: paper on stochastic coalescence in Lagrangian microphysics published in ACP
- 2017-11: Piotr's talk at the PBCM workshop in Kobe, Japan
- 2017-10: Piotr's talk at the IGF seminar in Warsaw
- 2017-09: paper on nonlinearities in CCN activation published in NPG
- 2017-04: Maciek's talk at the PDEs on the sphere conference, Paris
- 2017-03: Ania defends her PhD thesis
- 2016-10: Maciek's talk at the workshop on numerical methods for geophysical flows, Reading
- 2016-07: Piotr's talk at the XVII ICCP in Manchester
- 2016-02: Hanna's talk at the UCP in Berlin
- 2016-01: Ania's talk at the AMS meeting on cloud chemistry in New Orleans
- 2015-10: group talk at the IGF seminar in Warsaw
- 2015-09: Sylwester's talk at a seminar at the U. of Hyogo
- 2015-06: libcloudph++ paper published in GMD
- 2015-05: Sylwester's talk at C++now
- 2015-05: Sylwester's talk at a seminar at the U. of Wyoming
- 2015-04: workshop on Eulerian vs. Lagrangian methods for cloud microphysics
- 2015-04: libmpdata++ paper published in GMD
- 2015-01: Sylwester's talk at a seminar at TUDelft
- 2014-10: Maciek's talk at the 4-th EULAG workshop in Mainz
- 2014-09: Sylwester's talk at the NCAR MMM seminar in Boulder
- 2014-07: Ania's poster at the AMS Cloud Physics conf. in Boston
- 2014-04: Dorota's talk at the UCAR Software Engineering conference in Boulder
- 2013-05: group talk at the IGF seminar in Warsaw
Research project
HANAMI (Hpc AlliaNce for Applications and supercoMputing Innovation: the Europe - Japan collaboration)
Source of financing: EU, HORIZON EUROPE
Realisation period: March 1, 2024–Feb. 28, 2027 -
Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (NextGEMS)
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Sept. 1, 2021–Aug. 31, 2025 -
Investigation of the stability of mixed-phase clouds based on a stochastic description of the microphysics
Source of financing: NCN, PRELUDIUM
Realisation period: Feb. 7, 2022–Aug. 6, 2024 -
Deterministic versus stochastic origin of warm rain
Source of financing: NCN, SONATA
Realisation period: Oct. 3, 2019–Oct. 2, 2023 -
Turbulent dynamics and microphysics in a Stochastic Lagrangian Cloud Model
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: April 10, 2018–April 9, 2023 -
Untangling microphysical impacts on shallow convective clouds
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: Sept. 29, 2017–Sept. 28, 2020 -
Numerical modeling of cloud microphysics and microphysics-dynamics interactions in shallow boundary-layer clouds
Source of financing: NCN, POLONEZ
Realisation period: Oct. 1, 2016–Sept. 30, 2017 -
Przetwarzanie aerozoli przez chmury - symulacje ab initio uwzględniające efekty zderzeń i reakcji chemicznych zachodzących w kropelkach chmurowych
Source of financing: NCN, PRELUDIUM
Realisation period: July 22, 2015–Jan. 21, 2017 -
Aerosol processing by clouds - development of a multifaceted object-oriented numerical simulation framework
Source of financing: NCN, HARMONIA
Realisation period: April 9, 2013–Jan. 8, 2017 -
Development of a two-dimensional kinematic numerical model of a cloud based on a precise description of microphysics of aerosol particles, clouds and rain.
Source of financing: NCN, PRELUDIUM
Realisation period: Dec. 28, 2011–June 28, 2013
prof. dr hab. Hanna Pawłowska |
dr Gustavo Abade | |
dr Piotr Dziekan | |
mgr inż. Daniel Albuquerque | |
mgr inż. Piotr Żmijewski | |
mgr Agnieszka Makulska |
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Grabowski - National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
prof. dr Piotr Smolarkiewicz - National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
dr Shin-ichiro Shima - University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan
- Abade, G.C. and Albuquerque, D.G., 2024, Persistent mixed-phase states in adiabatic cloud parcels under idealised conditions, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 150 (763), pp. 3450-3474, 10.1002/qj.4775
- Żmijewski P., Dziekan P., Pawłowska H., 2024, Modeling Collision-Coalescence in Particle Microphysics: Numerical Convergence of Mean and Variance of Precipitation in Cloud Simulations Using the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.1, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 17(2), pp. 759-780, 10.5194/gmd-17-759-2024
- Grabowski, W.W. and Pawlowska H., 2023, Adiabatic evolution of cloud droplet spectral width: A new look at an old problem, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 50(3), art. e2022GL101917, 10.1029/2022GL101917
- Hill A.A., Lebo Z.J., Andrejczuk M., Arabas S., Dziekan P., Field P., Gettelman A., Hoffmann F., Pawlowska H., Onishi R., and Vié B., 2023, Toward a Numerical Benchmark for Warm Rain Processes, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 80(5), 1329–1359, 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0275.1
- Dziekan P., Żmijewski P., 2022, University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.0: adaptation of a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian numerical model for heterogeneous computing clusters, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 15(11), 4489–4501, 10.5194/gmd-15-4489-2022
- Dziekan P., Jensen J.B., Grabowski W.W., Pawlowska H., 2021, Impact of Giant Sea Salt Aerosol Particles on Precipitation in Marine Cumuli and Stratocumuli: Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 78 (12), 4127-4142, 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0041.1
- Morrison H., van Lier‐Walqui M., Fridlind A.M., Grabowski W.W., Harrington J.Y., Hoose C., Korolev A., Kumjian M.R., Milbrandt J.A., Pawlowska H., Posselt D.J., Prat O.P., Reimel K.J., Shima S., van Diedenhoven B., and Xue L., 2020, Confronting the challenge of modeling cloud and precipitation microphysics, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 12(8), art. e2019MS001689, 10.1029/2019MS001689
- Dziekan P., Waruszewski M., Pawlowska H., 2019, University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 1.0: a modern large-eddy simulation tool for warm cloud modeling with Lagrangian microphysics, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 12(6), 2587-2606, 10.5194/gmd-12-2587-2019
- Grabowski W.W., Morrison H., Shima S., Abade G.C., Dziekan P., and Pawlowska H., 2019, Modeling of Cloud Microphysics: Can We Do Better?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 100(4), 655-672, 10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0005.1
- Abade, G.C., W.W. Grabowski, and H. Pawlowska, 2018, Broadening of Cloud Droplet Spectra through Eddy Hopping: Turbulent Entraining Parcel Simulations, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 75(10), 3365–3379, 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0078.1
- Grabowski W. W., Dziekan P., and Pawlowska H., 2018, Lagrangian condensation microphysics with Twomey CCN activation, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 11, 103-120, 10.5194/gmd-11-1-2018
- Jaruga A., and Pawlowska H., 2018, ibcloudph++ 2.0: aqueous-phase chemistry extension of particle-based cloud microphysics scheme, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 11, 3623-3645, 10.5194/gmd-11-3623-2018
- Waruszewski, M., Kühnlein, C., Pawlowska, H., Smolarkiewicz, P.K., 2018, MPDATA: Third-order accuracy for variable flows, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 359, 361-379, 10.1016/j.jcp.2018.01.005
- Arabas S. and Shima S., 2017, On the CCN (de)activation nonlinearities, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, vol. 24, 535-542, 10.5194/npg-24-535-2017
- Dziekan P. and Pawlowska H., 2017, Stochastic coalescence in Lagrangian cloud microphysics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 17 (2), 13509-13520, 10.5194/acp-17-13509-2017
- Grabowski W.W., Abade G.C., 2017, Broadening of Cloud Droplet Spectra through Eddy Hopping: Turbulent Adiabatic Parcel Simulations, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 74, 1485, 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0043.1
- Arabas S., Jaruga A., Pawlowska H., and Grabowski W. W., 2015, libcloudph++ 1.0: a single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 8, 1677-1707, doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-1677-2015
- Jarecka D., Jaruga A., Smolarkiewicz P.K., 2015, A spreading drop of shallow water, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 289, 53–61, 10.1016/j.jcp.2015.02.003
- Jaruga A., Arabas S., Jarecka D., Pawlowska H., Smolarkiewicz P. K., Waruszewski M., 2015, libmpdata++ 1.0: a library of parallel MPDATA solvers for systems of generalised transport equations, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 8, 1005-1032, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1005-2015
- Arabas S., Jarecka D., Jaruga A., Fijałkowski M., 2014, Formula translation in Blitz++, NumPy and modern Fortran: A case study of the language choice tradeoffs, Scientific Programming, vol. 22, 201-222, 10.3233/SPR-140379
- Arabas, S., and Shima S., 2013, Large Eddy Simulations of Trade-Wind Cumuli using Particle-Based Microphysics with Monte-Carlo Coalescence, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 70 (9), 2768–2777, 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0295.1
- Arabas S. and Pawlowska H., 2011, Adaptive method of lines for multi-component aerosol condensational growth and CCN activation, Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 4 (1), 15-31, 10.5194/gmd-4-15-2011
dr Maciej Waruszewski | |
dr Valerian Jewtoukoff | |
dr Sylwester Arabas | |
dr Anna Jaruga |