dr hab. Konrad Kossacki |
University Professor |
Institute of Geophysics Atmospheric Physics Department |
ul. Pasteura 5, room: B4.13 |
+48 22 55 32 013 |
kjkossac@fuw.edu.pl |
Current fields of scientific interest:
- Evolution of comets and asteroids - numerical simulations and laboratory measurements in vacuum. Investigations include the evolution of the structure of a material on micro- and macro scale, as well as the relation between the topography of comets and their activity.
- Evolution of ice moons of giant planets.
Past fields of research:
- Evolution of surface- and subsurface ice on Mars including conditions of the appearance of liquid.
- Long scale evolution of the global ecosystem.
Scientific cooperation
- Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Niemcy
- Max-Planck-Inst. for Solar System Research, Niemcy
- Jones G.H., Snodgrass C., Tubiana C., Küppers M., Kawakita H., Lara L.M., Agarwal J., André N., Attree N., Auster U., Bagnulo S., Bannister M., Beth A., Bowles N., Coates A., Colangeli L., van Damme C.C., Da Deppo V., De Keyser J., Della Corte V., Edberg N., El-Maarry M.R., Faggi S., Fulle M., Funase R., Galand M., Goetz C., Groussin O., Guilbert-Lepoutre A., Henri P., Kasahara S., Kereszturi A., Kidger M., Knight M., Kokotanekova R., Kolmasova I., Kossacki K., Kührt E., Kwon Y., La Forgia F.,.., 2024, The Comet Interceptor Mission, Space Science Reviews, vol. 220, art. 9, 10.1007/s11214-023-01035-0
- Kossacki K.J., Mikołajków T. and Szutowicz S., 2024, Dynamics of landslides on ice-rich space objects, ICARUS, vol. 421, art. 116227, 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116227
- Kossacki K.J., Mikołajków T., Szutowicz S., Wesołowski M., 2024, Comets, sliding of surface dust on illuminated surfaces, ICARUS, vol. 410, art. 115861, 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115861
- Kossacki K.J., Szutowicz S., 2023, Production of water from a dynamically new comet, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 526(3), 4484-4489, 10.1093/mnras/stad3040
- Kossacki K.J., Wesołowski M., Szutowicz S., Mikołajków T., 2023, Outgassing of ice agglomerates, ICARUS, vol. 398, art. 115518, 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115518
- Kossacki K.J., Wesołowski M., Skóra G., Staszkiewicz K., 2022, Comets, sliding of surface dust II, ICARUS, vol. 379, art. 114946, 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.114946
- Kossacki K.J., Wesołowski M., Szutowicz S., Mikolajków T., 2022, Outgassing of selected possible cometary analogs: Laboratory simulations, ICARUS, vol. 388, art. 115209, 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115209
- Wesołowski M., Gronkowski P., Kossacki K.J., 2022, The influence of the porosity of dust particles on the amplitude of the change in the brightness of a comet, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 517(4), 4950-4958, 10.1093/mnras/stac2967
- Czechowski L., Kossacki K.J., 2021, Dynamics of material ejected from the Hatmehit depression and landslides on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 209, art. 105358, 10.1016/j.pss.2021.105358
- Kossacki K., 2021, Sublimation of porous granular ice in vacuum, ICARUS, vol. 368, art. 114613, 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114613
- Kossacki K.J., Czechowski L., Skóra G., 2020, Influence of landslides on the erosion of slopes on comet 9P/Tempel 1: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, ICARUS, vol. 340, art. 113529, 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113529
- Kossacki K.J., Skóra G., Czechowski L., 2020, Comets, sliding of surface dust, ICARUS, vol. 348, art. 113781, 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113781
- Kossacki K.J., 2019, Sublimation of cometary ices in the presence of organic volatiles II, ICARUS, vol. 319, 470-475, 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.041
- Kossacki K.J., Czechowski L., 2019, Local activity of comets: an indicator of non-uniform composition, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 490(2), 2050-2055, 10.1093/mnras/stz2739
- Kossacki K.J., Misiura K., Czechowski L., 2019, Sublimation of buried cometary ice, ICARUS, vol. 329, 72-78, 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.03.019
- Kossacki, K.J., Jasiak, A., 2019, The evolution of gently sloping mantled deposits on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, ICARUS, vol. 319, 381-391, 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.035
- Kossacki K., Czechowski L., 2018, Comet 67p/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, possible origin of the depression Hatmehit, Icarus, vol. 305, 1-14, 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.027
- Kossacki K.J., Leliwa-Kopystynski J., Witek P., Jasiak A., Dubiel A., 2017, Sublimation of cometary ices in the presence of organic volatiles, Icarus, vol. 294, 227-233, 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.03.006
- Kossacki K.J., 2016, Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, location of pristine material?, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 125, 96-104, 10.1016/j.pss.2016.03.007
- Kossacki K.J., 2015, Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Evolution of the surface, Icarus, vol. 245, 348-354, 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.09.044
- Kossacki K.J., Spohn T., Hagermann A., Kaufmann E., Kührt E., 2015, Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko: Hardening of the sub-surface layer, Icarus, vol. 260, 464-474, 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.07.024
- Kossacki, K.J., Szutowicz, S, 2015, Activity of Comet C/2006 W3 Christensen, Icarus, vol. 250, 595-601, 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.12.019
- Spohn T., Knollenberg J., Ball A.J., Banaszkiewicz M., Benkhoff J., Grott M., Grygorczuk J., Hüttig C., Hagermann A., Kargl G., Kaufmann E., Kömle N., Kührt E., Kossacki K.J., Marczewski W., Pelivan I., Schrödter R., Seiferlin K., 2015, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of the Near-Surface Layers of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Science, vol. 349 (6247), art. aab0464, 10.1126/science.aab0464
- Kossacki, K.J., Leliwa-Kopystynski, J., 2014, Temperature dependence of the sublimation rate of water ice: Influence of impurities, Icarus, vol. 233, 101-105, 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.025
- Kossacki, K.J., Markiewicz, W.J., 2014, Seasonal flows on dark martian slopes, thermal condition for liquescence of salts, Icarus, vol. 233, 126-130, 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.032
- Kossacki, K.J., Markiewicz, W.J., 2013, Comet 67P/CG: Influence of the sublimation coefficient on the temperature and outgassing, Icarus, vol. 224, 172-177, 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.02.012
- Kossacki, K.J., Szutowicz, S., 2013, Activity of Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, Icarus, vol. 225, 111-212, 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.03.003
- Czechowski L., Kossacki K.J., 2012, Thermal convection in the porous methane-soaked regolith in Titan: Finite amplitude convection, Icarus, vol. 217 (1), 130-143, 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.10.006
- Kossacki K.J., Szutowicz S., 2012, Main Belt Comet P/2008 R1 Garradd: Duration of activity, Icarus, vol. 217 (1), 66-76, 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.10.005
- Kossacki K.J., Portyankina G., Thomas N., 2011, The evolution of exposed ice in a fresh mid-latitude crater on Mars, Icarus, vol. 211 (1), 195-206, 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.10.005
- Kossacki K.J., Szutowicz S., 2011, Comet 17P/Holmes: Possibility of a CO driven explosion, Icarus, vol. 212 (2), 847-857, 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.01.007
- Kossacki K.J., Markiewicz W., 2010, Interfacial liquid water on Mars and its potential role in formation of hill and dune gullies, ICARUS, vol. 210(1), 83-91, 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.06.029
- Kossacki K.J., Szutowicz S., 2010, Crystallization of ice in Comet 17P/Holmes: Probably not responsible for the explosive 2007 megaburst, ICARUS, vol. 207(1), 320-340, 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.10.014
- Kossacki KJ, Szutowicz S., 2010, Crystallization of ice in Comet 17P/Holmes: Probably not responsible for the explosive 2007 megaburst, ICARUS, vol. 207(1), 320-340, 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.10.014
- Kossacki KJ,Markiewicz WJ., 2010, Interfacial liquid water on Mars and its potential role in formation of hill and dune gullies, ICARUS, vol. 210(1), 83-91, 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.06.029
- Von Bloh W., Kossacki K.J., Franck S., and Bounama C., 2010, Diurnal Habitability of Frozen Worlds, Earth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 106(1), 15-26, 10.1007/s11038-009-9343-6
- Czechowski L., Kossacki K., 2009, Thermal convection in the porous methane-soaked regolith of Titan: investigation of stability, ICARUS, vol. 202(2), 599-606, 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.02.032
- Dziak-Jankowska B, Leliwa-Kopystynski J, Kossacki KJ, 2009, Sublimation-driven evolution of the local radius and the moment of inertia of a long-period comet, Acta Geophysica, vol. 57(2), 509–535, 10.2478/s11600-009-0005-x
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ., 2009, Small-scale trench in the north polar region of Mars: Evolution of surface frost and ground ice concentration, ICARUS, vol. 199(1), 75-85, 10.1016/j.icarus.2008.09.003
- Kuppers M, Keller HU, Kuhrt E, et al. (Kossacki K), 2009, Triple F-a comet nucleus sample return mission, Experimental Astronomy, vol. 23(3), 809–847, 10.1007/s10686-008-9115-8
- Kossacki, KJ; Szutowicz, S., 2008, Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Sublimation beneath the dust cover, ICARUS, vol. 195(2), 705-724, 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.014
- Kossacki KJ, Leliwa-Kopystyński J, Szutowicz S., 2006, Evolution of depressions on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Role of ice metamorphism, ICARUS, vol. 184(1), 221-238, 10.1016/j.icarus.2006.04.018
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ, Smith MD, Page D, Murray J., 2006, Possible remnants of a frozen mud lake in southern Elysium, Mars, ICARUS, vol. 181(2), 363-374, 10.1016/j.icarus.2005.11.018
- Kossacki KJ, Szutowicz S, 2006, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Modeling of orientation and structure, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 54(1), 15-27, 10.1016/j.pss.2005.09.001
- Kossacki K.J., Leliwa-Kopystyński J., 2004, Non-uniform seasonal defrosting of subpolar dune field on Mars, ICARUS, vol. 168(1), 201-204, 10.1016/j.icarus.2003.11.010
- Kossacki K.J., Markiewicz W.J.,, 2004, Seasonal melting of surface water ice condensing in martian gullies, ICARUS, vol. 171(2), 272-283, 10.1016/j.icarus.2004.05.018
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ, Smith MD, 2003, Surface temperature of Martian regolith with polygonal features: influence of the subsurface water ice, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 51(9-10), 569-580, 10.1016/S0032-0633(03)00070-9
- Franck S, Kossacki KJ, Von Bloh W, Bounama C., 2002, Long-term evolution of the global carbon cycle: historic minimum of global surface temperature at present, Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology, vol. 54(4), 325-343, 10.1034/j.1600-0889.2002.201377.x
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ,, 2002, Martian seasonal CO2 ice in polygonal troughs in southern polar region: Role of the distribution of subsurface H2O ice, ICARUS, vol. 160(1), 73-85, 10.1006/icar.2002.6936
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ, Keller HU, 2001, Effect of surface roughness on ice distribution in the south subpolar region of Mars, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 49(5), 437-445, 10.1016/S0032-0633(00)00137-9
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ, Keller HU, 2000, Small scale trench in the Martian soil: Conditions for condensation of atmospheric volatiles, ICARUS, vol. 144(2), 463-478, 10.1006/icar.1999.6292
- Leliwa-Kopystyński J, Kossacki KJ, 2000, Evolution of porosity in small icy bodies, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 48(7-8), 727-745, 10.1016/S0032-0633(00)00038-6
- Kossacki KJ, Markiewicz WJ, Skorov Y, Kömle NI, 1999, Sublimation coefficient of water ice under simulated cometary-like conditions, Planet and Space Science, vol. 47(12), 1521-1530, 10.1016/S0032-0633(99)00037-9
- Kossacki KJ, Szutowicz S, Leliwa-Kopystyński J, 1999, Comet 46P/Wirtanen: Evolution of the subsurface layer, ICARUS, vol. 142(1), 202-218, 10.1006/icar.1999.6196
- Kossacki KJ, Kömle NI, Leliwa-Kopystyński J, Kargl G, 1997, Laboratory investigation of the evolution of cometary analogs: Results and interpretation, ICARUS, vol. 128(1), 127-144, 10.1006/icar.1997.5701
- Kossacki K.J., Lorenz R.D., 1996, Hiding Titan's ocean: Densification and hydrocarbon storage in an icy regolith, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 44(9), 1029-1037
Research project
Occurrence of landslides under low gravity on comets and other cosmic bodies, especially from the asteroid belt, influence of the sublimation of ice
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: July 22, 2019–Dec. 21, 2023 -
Wpływ współczynnika sublimacji lodu na geologię komet i innych ciał kosmicznych
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: July 9, 2015–July 8, 2018 -
Projekt MUPUS, misja Rosetta do komety 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Role: Participant
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 1996–Oct. 11, 2015 -
Badanie mikrofizycznych własności lodu i ich wpływu na ewolucje powierzchni ciał Układu Słonecznego
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: July 18, 2013–July 17, 2015 -
Ewolucja mało- i wielkoskalowych struktur na powierzchniach skalno-lodowych ciał Układu Słonecznego
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: April 19, 2007–April 18, 2010 -
Atmosphere – Surface Vapour Exchange and Ices in the Martian Polar Regions
Role: Participant
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2002–Oct. 11, 2005 -
Kuplung zwischen Biosphäre und Geosphäre im globalen Ökosystem Erde
Role: Coordinator on the University of Warsaw
Realisation period: -
Analiza ewolucji własności mechanicznych warstwy powierzchniowej jądra komety
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period:
- Near- Surface seismic in environmental studies- a case study of an active mountain landslide
Julia Chachulska, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - Application of the magnetic method to study the anthropogenic impact on the rock mass in the area of the former nickel, chrysoprase and opal mine in Szklary
Mikołaj Zawadzki, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - Investigation of the effect of granulation of ice particles and the temperature gradient on the temperature characteristics of the sublimation rate of ice in a vacuum
Tomasz Mikołajków, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2022 - Sliding of a sand layer on the inclined ice surface under space conditions
Grzegorz Skóra, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2021 - Impact of sublimation coefficient of H2O, depending on admixtures, on scarp recession in cometary environment
Aleksander Jasiak, Wydział Geologii, 2018
Adam Amborski, Wydział Fizyki, 2005
- Occurrence of water on the dwarf planet Ceres
Norbert Nieścior, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - Computer program for comparative analysis of Mars surface images
Paweł Puterla, Wydział Fizyki, 2009 - Visualization of structures on comet nucleus
Tobiasz Jarosiewicz, Wydział Fizyki, 2008 - Ice layer thickness visualisation on a Martian crater
Karol Laskowski, Wydział Fizyki, 2007
Doctoral dissertations
Krzysztof Marcin Skocki, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, 2007- Modelowanie ewolucji sublimacyjnej - zmian kształtu i momentu bezwładności - jąder kometarnych
Beata Dziak-Jankowska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2007
Bachelor thesis
- Numerical modeling of rivers on Titan and Earth
Anastasiia Bendiukova, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2016 - Circumterrestrial anthropogenic space debris
Marcin Drążkowiak, Wydział Fizyki, 2006
Marcin Banaszek, Wydział Fizyki, 2005
Rafał Salamonik, Wydział Fizyki, 2001