dr hab. Konrad Kossacki
University Professor
Institute of Geophysics
Atmospheric Physics Department
ul. Pasteura 5, room: B4.13
+48 22 55 32 013

Current fields of scientific interest:

- Evolution of comets and asteroids - numerical simulations and laboratory measurements in vacuum. Investigations include the evolution of the structure of a material on micro- and macro scale, as well as the relation between the topography of comets and their activity.

- Evolution of ice moons of giant planets.


Past fields of research:

- Evolution of surface- and subsurface ice on Mars including conditions of the appearance of liquid.

- Long scale evolution of the global ecosystem.

Scientific cooperation

  • Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
  • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Niemcy
  • Max-Planck-Inst. for Solar System Research, Niemcy
  • Jones G.H., Snodgrass C., Tubiana C., Küppers M., Kawakita H., Lara L.M., Agarwal J., André N., Attree N., Auster U., Bagnulo S., Bannister M., Beth A., Bowles N., Coates A., Colangeli L., van Damme C.C., Da Deppo V., De Keyser J., Della Corte V., Edberg N., El-Maarry M.R., Faggi S., Fulle M., Funase R., Galand M., Goetz C., Groussin O., Guilbert-Lepoutre A., Henri P., Kasahara S., Kereszturi A., Kidger M., Knight M., Kokotanekova R., Kolmasova I., Kossacki K., Kührt E., Kwon Y., La Forgia F.,.., 2024, The Comet Interceptor Mission, Space Science Reviews, vol. 220, art. 9, 10.1007/s11214-023-01035-0

Research project

Doctoral dissertations

Bachelor thesis