"Climate change – which way forward?"
dr Aleksandra Kardaś
Wydziału Fizyki UW
March 29, 2021, 4:30 p.m.
on-line, ZOOM
We cordially invite you to the next Jerzy Pniewski and Leopold Infeld Colloquium of the Faculty of Physics which will be held on Monday the 29th of March at 4.30 pm. This time we will listen to a lecture by dr Aleksandra Kardaś from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
The lecture title is: "Climate change – which way forward?"
Human-induced climate change is a fact. It has and will have serious consequences for our lives and the lives of future generations. Many people raise the question of how to counteract these changes in the most effective way. During the lecture, we will learn about the directions of possible actions, which result from the latest report prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This report was prepared by 91 scientists and experts from 40 countries.
You are welcome to join the meeting 15-30 minutes before the Colloquium to talk or chat in an informal atmosphere.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/93881687598?pwd=UmFhVUdVSXhnQ2tIVVozNmowSUNtZz09
Meeting ID: 938 8168 7598
Passcode: prv316
With best regards,
Barbara Badełek
Jan Chwedeńczuk
Jan Kalinowski
Jan Suffczyński
"Climate change – which way forward?"
dr Aleksandra Kardaś (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
Global climate change introduces vast changes in environmental conditions all around the world. Changing weather patterns and the rising sea level make life harder for all beings accustomed to specific local conditions. The change is happening very quickly, which makes adaptation difficult and expensive, in some cases impossible. To limit the costs, we should stop warming as soon as possible. What actions need to be taken? We will discuss these issues in the context of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report „Global Warming of 1,5°C”.