We popularise science in the topics pursued by our research groups. Every year we participate in the Science Festival, the Science Picnic, and Ochota Campus Open Days, conducting field workshops and practical activities in our laboratories and giving popular science lectures.
We are active in schools, where we give lectures and participate in the international GLOBE educational project. As part of this project, we provide training for teachers who carry out research in the field of meteorology and climatology, and we co-organize field activities for children and young people as part of the so-called GLOBE GAMES.
The Institute's staff are involved in running the Nauka o klimacie portal, where information on the state of knowledge concerning climate change is published.
- RS-lab operation within the 3rd Intercomparison Campaign of UV-VIS DOAS Instruments (CINDI-3)
- Grzegorz Florczyk long-term research visit at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (OCT 2023-FEB 2024)
- Measurement campaign at The Pi Chamber of Michigan Tech (SEPT-DEC 2022, MAY-AUG 2023)
- Lille Turbulence Program 2023, conference and workshop (JUN-JUL 2023)
- PURER-EXP measurement campaign in the urban environment of Warsaw (JUN-JUL 2023)
- ATMO-ACCESS TNA AGORA Aerosol Training Course competition, Granada (JUN 2023)
- Participation in the AMS Annual Meeting 2023 conference in Denver and a research visit to NCAR facilities in Boulder (JAN 2023)
- RIKEN R-CCS International HPC Computational Science Internship Program, cloud phenomena modeling (NOV 2022 - JAN 2023)
- MSM 112/2 atmospheric measurements during the cruise from the Caribbean to the Canaries (NOV-DEC 2022)
- MSM 112/2 research cruise from the Caribbean to the Canaries (NOV-DEC 2022)
- ATMO-ACCESS TNA research visit at Măgurele (NOV-DEC 2022)
- Participation in the measurement campaign in Wrocław (NOV 2022)
- ATMO-ACCESS TNA research visit at Barcelona (NOV 2022)
- Flights in the fog of a new drone at Pole Mokotowskie (NOV2022)
- Recent research on optical phenomena in multilayer metamaterials (OCT 2022)
- Participation in helicopter measurements with HELiPOD probe of methane emissions from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (OCT 2022)
- ATMO-ACCESS TNA visiting researchers from Spain and Brasil in Warsaw (OCT 2022)
- BIOSURE measurement campaign in Vilnius and Warsaw (JUN 2022)
- Test flights of a new drone at Pole Mokotowskie (MAR 2022)
- POLIMOS Wroclaw SMOG measurement campaign (JAN-FEB 2022)
- POLIMOS Kraków SMOG measurement campaign (JAN 2022)
- POLIMOS Zabrze SMOG measurement campaign (DEC 2021)