Excellence Initiative - Research University

Grants obtained for the implementation of the development plans of the Institute of Geophysics of the FUW
as part of the "Excellence Initiative - Research University (2020-2026)" Program
of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education


1. Funding under the "Mentor Program":

2. Project funding:

  • "Multifunctional integrated database of observational and measurement data and simulation results with a data sharing system", IGF FUW-ICM UW,
    Project leader: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
  • "Interactions of light and plasma in hollow-core optical fibres"
    Project leader: dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak, prof. ucz.
  • "Modeling and experimental realization of a new class of tunable nanoscale plasmonic structures for light control at the nanoscale,"
    Project leader: dr Piotr Wróbel

3. Infrastructure funding:

  • purchase of a glovebox system. A detailed technical description of the infrastructure can be found here
    Project leader: prof. dr hab. Ryszard Buczyński
  • renewal of the Lesker PVD 75 electron-beam vacuum sputtering machine,
    Project leader: dr Piotr Wróbel
  • purchase of chemical reagents,
    Project leader: mgr Alexander Korneluk

4. Travel funding:

  • Participation in the International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 14-19.07.2024, Jeju, South Korea.
    prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
  • Participation in the "International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation" and accompanying training courses on cloud physics, 07-21.07.2024, Jeju, South Korea.
    mgr inż. Stanisław Król
  • Participation in the "Optica Advanced Photonics Congress" conference, 28.07.-01.08.2024, Quebec, Canada
    dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak, prof. ucz.
  • participation in the "International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation" conference, 14-19.07.2024, Jeju, South Korea.
    dr Jakub Nowak
  • participation in the scientific conference 2024 ARVO Annual Meeting, 04-11.05.2024, Seattle, United States
    mgr Oliwia Kaczkoś
  • long-term research trip to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 02.10.2023-01.02.2024, Pasadena, California, United States. Article on IGF website www.igf.fuw.edu.pl
    mgr inż. Grzegorz Florczyk
  • Participation in the Conference on Lasers abd Electro-Optics CLEO, 25-30.06.2023 Munich, Germany,
    dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak, prof. ucz.
  • Participation in the summer school Lille Turbulence Program 2023, The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille Kampe de Feriet 19.06.-13.07.2023 Lille, France, presentation entitled. "Turbulence properties in stratocumulus and cumulus clouds".
    dr Jakub Nowak
  • Long-term research trip to Michigan Technological University, 08.05.-07.08.2023, Houghton, USA. Article on IGF website www.igf.fuw.edu.pl
    mgr Robert Grosz
  • Participation in the foreign scientific conference 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting in the USA, 22-29.04.2023, New Orleans, USA, poster titled. "Contrast sensitivity study for two-photon vision".
    mgr Oliwia Kaczkoś
  • participation in the 5th Optometric Conference of Central and Southeast Europe international conference, 20-24.04.2023 Split, Croatia, poster pt. "Demonstration of surface differences of silicone hydrogel lenses by confocal reflectance microscopy measurements".
    mgr Tomasz Suliński
  • Participation in the 7th International Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibre (WSOF), 11-16.12.2022 Adelaide, Australia, lecture entitled "Volumetric integration of nanodiamonds in optical fibre cores".
    prof. dr hab. Ryszard Buczynski
  • Participation in the international conference XXV Fluid Mechanics Conference, 07-09.09.2022, Rzeszów, Poland, poster entitled. "Hydrometeor Measurements using Shadowgraph technique".
    mgr Moein Mohammadi
  • Participation in the conference "General Congress of the International Commission for Optics and the Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Science" 5-10.09.2022, Dresden, Germany, lecture entitled "Magnetically sensitive fibre optic probes with stepped index, suspended core or hollow core microstructures"
    dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak
  • Participation in the International Radiation Symposium 2022 conference, 01-08.07.2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, presentation entitled. "Modelling of the Diurnal Cycle of the Aerosol-filled PBL with the Eddy Diffusivity/Mass Flux Model Coupled with the Radiative Transfer Model".
    mgr inż. Grzegorz Florczyk
  • Participation in the International Radiation Symposium 2022, 01-08.07.2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, post-conference paper titled. "Vertical profiling of aerosols with drones, cable cars and skyscrapers".
    mgr Katarzyna Nurowska
  • participation in the international conference Vision Dublin 2022, European Academy of Optometry and Optics, Dublin, Ireland, 12-16.05.2022,
    mgr Justyna Kiermasz
  • research trip to the University of Leeds, National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, 25.04.-19.06.2022, Leeds, United Kingdom,
    mgr inż. Stanisław Król

5. Publication funding:

  • Open Access for Advanced Science ISSN 2198-3844,
    prof. dr hab. Ryszard Buczyński
  • Open Access for Geophysical Research Letters ISSN 1944-8007,
    mgr inż. Stanisław Król
    Can Recurrence Quantification Analysis Be Useful in the Interpretation of Airborne Turbulence Measurements?, 2024, vol. 51(6), art. e2023GL105753, doi: 10.1029/2023GL105753
  • Open Access for Geoscientific Model Development ISSN 1991-9603,
    mgr inż. Piotr Żmijewski
    Modeling Collision-Coalescence in Particle Microphysics: Numerical Convergence of Mean and Variance of Precipitation in Cloud Simulations Using University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) 2.1Geoscientific Model Development, 2024, vol. 17(2), pp. 759-780, doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-759-2024
  • Open Access for CARBON ISSN 0008-6223,
    dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak,
    Nonlinearity shaping in nanostructured glass-diamond hybrid materials for optical fiber preforms, CARBON, 2022, vol. 196, pp. 10-19, doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.04.024
  • Open Access for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques ISSN 1867-8548,
    mgr Moein Mohammadi
    Cloud microphysical measurements at a mountain observatory: comparison between shadowgraph imaging and phase Doppler interferometry, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, vol. 15, pp. 965-985, doi: 10.5194/amt-15-965-2022
  • Open Access for Remote Sensing ISSN 2072-4292,
    mgr Patryk Grzybowski
    Estimations of the Ground-Level NO2 Concentrations Based on the Sentinel-5P NO2 Tropospheric Column Number Density Product, Remote Sensing, 2023, vol. 15(2), art. 378, doi: 10.3390/rs15020378
  • Proofreading for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques ISSN 1867-8548,
    mgr Katarzyna Nurowska
  • Open Access for Atmospheric Measeurement Techniques ISSN 1867-1381,
    mgr Jakub Nowak,
    Applicability of the VisiSize D30 shadowgraph system for cloud microphysical measurements, Atmospheric Measeurement Techniques, 2021, vol. 14, pp. 2615–2633, doi: 10.5194/amt-14-2615-2021
  • Open Acces for Optics Express ISSN 1094-4087,
    mgr inż. Damian Michalik,
    Toward highly birefringent silica Large Mode Area optical fibers with anisotropic core, 2021, vol. 29(15), pp. 22883-22899, 10.1364/OE.428726
  • Open Access for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ISSN 1680-7316,
    mgr Jakub Nowak
    Coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers: turbulence properties, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, vol. 21(14), pp. 10965-10991, doi: 10.5194/acp-21-10965-2021

6. Preparation of doctoral dissertations:

  • mgr Afwan Hafiz, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences (POB I: Science for the Planet)
  • mgr Katarzyna Nurowska, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences (POB I: Science for the Planet)
  • mgr Alexander Korneluk, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences (POB II: Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds)