dr Jakub Nowak |
Assistant Professor |
Institute of Geophysics Atmospheric Physics Department |
ul. Pasteura 5, room: B4.30 |
+48 22 55 32 030 |
jnowak@igf.fuw.edu.pl |
- Turbulence in the atmosphere
- Atmospheric boundary layer
- Physics of clouds and precipitation
- Stratocumulus and trade-wind cumulus clouds
- In-situ measurements in the atmosphere: airborne and ground-based
- Measurement techniques and sensors: temperature, humidity, flow velocity, cloud droplets
- Laboratory studies of atmospheric processes
- 2022 Ph.D. in Physics (summa cum laude)
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Thesis: Turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layers [pdf]
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski - 2016 M.Sc. in Physics (Atmospheric Physics)
Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Thesis: Holographic laboratory measurements of droplets at the cloud edge [pdf]
Supervisor: prof. Szymon Malinowski - 2014 B.Sc. in Physics
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Thesis: Fast optoelectronic hygrometer
Supervisor: prof. Tadeusz Stacewicz
Scholarships and scientific stays abroad
- 6/2024 Lille Turbulence Program 2024, Lille, France
The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille – Kampé de Feriet - 2022-2024 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
multiple short term (1-2 weeks) visits - 6-7/2023 Lille Turbulence Program 2023, Lille, France
The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille – Kampé de Feriet - 10/2018-7/2019 Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), research grant - 10/2015-3/2016 Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Erasmus+, exchange semester
Participation in experiments
- 2020 Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation coupling in climate (EUREC4A)
R/V Meteor - 2019 (as PI) Performance of the UltraFast Thermometer 2 under turbulent cloudy conditions (EUROCHAMP2020)
turbulent Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS-T)
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany - 2019 Exploring performance of the Fast Infrared Hygrometer across the range of environmental conditions (EUROCHAMP2020)
turbulent Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS-T)
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany - 2017 Imaging Droplet Spatial Distribution in Clouds
Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Germany - 2017 Azores Stratocumulus Measurements of Radiation, Turbulence and Aerosols (ACORES)
Graciosa, Azores, Portugal
- The Foundation for Polish Science START 2022 stipend
Participation in conferences, conventions, schools, courses
Conference presentations
- Nowak J., Dragaud I.D.A., Dziekan P., Lee J., Mellado J.P., Stevens B.:
Low-level Marine Warm Clouds in Kilometer-scale Global Coupled Climate
Models, International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 2024, Jeju, South Korea, 2024, oral
- Nowak J., Wacławczyk M., Vassilicos J.P., Król S., Malinowski S.P.: Energy cascades in the convective atmospheric boundary layer: analysis of structure functions, Lille Turbulence Programme 2024 Opening Workshop, Lille, France, 2024, oral
- Nowak J., Wacławczyk M., Malinowski S.P.: Turbulence properties inside and outside trade-wind cumulus clouds, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023, oral, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2791
- Nowak J., Siebert H., Szodry K., Malinowski S.P.: Comparison of Turbulence Properties in Coupled and Decoupled Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layers Observed during ACORES, 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2023: 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Denver, USA, 2023, oral (online)
- Nowak J., Siebert H., Szodry K., Malinowski S.P.: Observations of turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layers, European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 2022, oral, doi: 10.5194/ems2022-177
- Akinlabi E., Wacławczyk M., Nowak J., Malinowski S.P.: Structural modelling of subgrid scales in LES of stratocumulus clouds, EUROMECH Colloqium Advances in LES of turbulent multiphase flows, Udine, Italy, 2022, oral
- Nowak J., Siebert H., Szodry K., Malinowski S.P.: Coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers in terms of turbulence properties, XVIII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, online, 2021, oral
- Nowak J., Siebert H., Szodry K., Malinowski S.P.: Turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, online, 2021, vPICO
- Nowak J., Szodry K., Siebert H., Wehner B., Luckerath J., Malinowski S.P.: Details of mixing events at the top of marine stratocumulus observed during ACORES2017, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019, poster
- Nowak J., Kumala W., Kwiatkowski J., Kwiatkowski K., Czyzewska D., Karpinska K., Malinowsi S.P.: UltraFast Thermometer 2.0 - new temperature sensor for airborne applications and its performance during ACORES 2017, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 2018, poster
- Nowak J., Karpinska K: Measurement campaign ACORES 2017, Particles in turbulence, Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Germany, 2017, oral
- Nowak J., Fugal J.: Long-exposure digital holography applied to study mixing at the laboratory analogue of cloud top, Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, 2017, oral
- Nowak J., Fugal J., Gilles S.: Mixing at the laboratory analogue of cloud top observed with long-exposure digital holography, Bottlenecks in turbulent aerosols, Lund, Sweden, 2017, oral
- Nowak J., Fugal J., Gilles S.: Droplets at the laboratory analogue of cloud edge measured with long-exposure digital holography, International Workshop on Cloud Microphysics-Turbulence Interaction, Leipzig, Germany, 2017, oral
- Nowak J., Magryta P., Kustosz M., Stacewicz T., Kumala W., Malinowski S.: Fast stationary hygrometer in IR for airborne application – feasibility study, XVII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Manchester, UK, 2016, poster
- Nowak J.: Laboratory measurements of cloud droplets by means of holography, Young Scientists Symposium at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw, Poland, 2016, oral
- Nowak J.: Holographic visualization of droplets in a cloud chamber, Cloud Physics on the Zugspitze, Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Germany, 2016, oral
Seminar talks
- 7/2023 Turbulence properties in stratocumulus and cumulus clouds, Lille Turbulence Programme 2023, The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Lille – Kampé de Feriet
- 12/2021 Turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer, Environmental Atmospheric Physics Seminar, Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
- 3/2018 Measurement campaign ACORES 2017, Environmental Atmospheric Physics Seminar, Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Co-authorship of conference presentations
- Dragaud I.D.A., Nowak J., Dziekan P., Lee J., Mellado J.P., Stevens B.: Representation of marine low‐level clouds in global-coupled kilometer-scale simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 2024, oral, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12952
- Malinowski S.P., Grosz R., Kumala W., Nowak J., Król S., Waclawczyk M.: Direct
Estimates of Temperature Dissipation Rate in Clouds and in the
Convective Boundary Layer from High-Resolution Airborne Temperature
Measurements, 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2023: 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Denver, USA, 2023, poster
- Król S., Malinowski S.P., Blyth A.M., Grosz R., Lachlan-Cope T., Kumala W., Nowak J., Waclawczyk M.: Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis to airborne measurements of turbulence in clouds and convective boundary layer, 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2023: 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Denver, USA, 2023, oral
- Waclawczyk M., Nowak J., Siebert H., Malinowski S.P.: Detecting non-stationary and non-equilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence, 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2023: 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Denver, USA, 2023, oral
- Grosz R., Król S., Nowak J., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P.: Temperature dissipation in convective clouds during ACORES and EUREC4A, European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Niemcy, 2022, plakat
- Waclawczyk M., Nowak J., Malinowski S.P.: Detecting non-equilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 2022, oral, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4965
- Grosz R., Król S., Nowak J., Malinowski S.: Temperature dissipation in convective clouds during EUREC4A, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 2022, oral, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4222
- Henning S., Wehner B., Roberts G., Nowak J., Luckerath J., Szodry K., Stratmann F., Siebert H.: Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations over the Azores, European Aerosol Conference, online, 2021, poster
- Grosz R., Nowak J., Niedermeier D., Mijas J., Frey W., Ort L., Malinowski S.P., Schmalfuss S., Stacewicz T., Voigtlaender J.: Contactless and high-frequency optical hygrometry in LACIS-T, XVIII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, online, 2021, poster
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J., Bertens A., Molacek J., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P.: In situ measurements of cloud microphysical properties with shadowgraph imaging technique, XVIII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, online, 2021, poster
- Król S., Malinowski S.P., Kumala W., Nowak J., Grosz R., Posyniak M., Lachlan-Cope T., Blyth A., Boenig S.: Centimeter-scale-resolution airborne temperature measurements in clouds and in marine surface layer during EUREC4A, XVIII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, online, 2021, poster
- Henning S., Wehner B., Roberts G., Nowak J., Luckerath J., Szodry K., Stratmann F., Siebert H.: Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations in Marine Air Masses Over the Northern Atlantic (ACORES Campaign), XVIII International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, online, 2021, poster
- Król S., Malinowski S.P., Kumala W., Nowak J., Grosz R., Posyniak M., Lachlan-Cope T., Blyth A., Boenig S.: Centimeter-scale-resolution airborne temperature measurements in clouds and in marine surface layer during EUREC4A, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, online, 2021, vPICO
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J., Bertens A., Molacek J., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P.: Employing a shadowgraph imaging technique for cloud microphysical measurements on a mountain observatory, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, online, 2021, vPICO
- Grosz R., Nowak J., Niedermeier D., Mijas J., Frey W., Ort L., Malinowski S.P., Schmalfuss S., Stacewicz T., Voigtlaender J.: Contactless and high-frequency optical hygrometry in LACIS-T, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, online, 2021, vPICO
- Mohammadi M., Malinowski S.P., Nowak J., Kumala W., Molacek J.: Measurements of cloud droplet size distributions with shadowgraph imaging technique, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019, poster
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J., Malinowski S.P.: Measurements of cloud droplets and precipitation particles during selected weather events of Warsaw with shadowgraph imaging technique, Understanding Clouds and Precipitation, Berlin, Germany, 2019, poster
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J., Malinowski S.P.: Measurements of precipitation size distribution in selected rain events of Warsaw with shadowgraph imaging technique, European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 2018, poster
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J., Malinowski S.P.: Laboratory measurements of cloud droplets size/velocity distributions with shadowgraph imaging technique, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 2018, poster
- Magryta P., Nowak J., Stacewicz T.,Malinowski S., Petersen B., Seredyński B., Wiśniewski A.: Optoelectronic detectors for water vapor, IX Symposium on Laser Techniques STL2016, Jastarnia, Poland, 2016, poster
- Nowak J., Kustosz M., Stacewicz T., Malinowski S.: Fast optoelectronic hygrometer in near infrared, II konferencja Aerozolowej Sieci Badawczej PolandAOD "Rola aerozoli w systemie klimatycznym", Sopot, Poland, 2015, oral
- Magryta P., Kustosz M., Nowak J., Stacewicz T., Malinowski S.: Fast infrared optoelectronic sensor of water vapor, 7th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, Ilmenau, Germany, 2014, poster
Courses and schools
- 6/2019 Small-scale Turbulence in Clouds
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Orgnization, Goettingen, Germany - 3/2019 Scientific writing
Research Academy Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Germany - 2/2019 Managing PhD Project
Research Academy Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Germany - 6/2018 Turbulent mixing in stratified flows
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy - 9/2017 Flowing matter
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy - 6/2017 Exploring Air-Sea Interaction via Airborne Measurements
European Facility for Airborne Research (EUFAR), Shannon, Ireland - 3/2017 Civil aviation security awareness training
Warsaw, Poland - 10/2016 Teaching in higher education
University of Warsaw, Poland - 3/2016 Winter Research Workshop in Atmospheric Physics
Aerosol Research Network Poland-AOD, Jaworzyna Krynicka, Poland - 12/2015 Holosuite Software Workshop
J. Gutenberg University Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Mainz, Germany - 7/2015 Light! An introduction to modern physics of light
University of Strasbourg, France - 8/2014 Physics of the Climate System
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Utrech, Netherlands
Editorial activities
Peer reviews
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (4)
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (1)
- 2019-2021 Geophysical Laboratory I and II
- 2019-2020 Atmosphere and ocean dynamics
- 2016-2018 Laboratory of Measurement Techniques
Popularizing science
- 9/2019 Observations of atmospheric phenomena
open lab tours, XXIII Science Festival, Warsaw - 3/2018 At the top of clouds - measurement campaign ACORES 2017
lecture for Student Geophysics Club - 9/2017 Physics with the mind in clouds - visit in the hydrodynamics lab
workshop for children, XXI Science Festival, Warsaw - 4-5/2017 IX National Physics Contests "Hunting for talents"
jury member - 11/2016 Cloud chamber - cloud physics in the lab
lecture and lab tour for Student Geophysics Club - 9/2016 and 9/2015 Cloud chamber, Atmospheric measurements
open lab tours, XX and XIX Science Festival, Warsaw
- 7-8/2015 Institute for Renewable Energy
project Agricultural farms and smart grids integrated RES - 7-8/2014 AAK Patent and Trademark Attorneys
- 6-7/2013 Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Nowak J.L., Lothon M., Lenschow D.H., and Malinowski S.P., 2025, The ratio of transverse to longitudinal turbulent velocity statistics for aircraft measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 18(1), pp. 93-114, 10.5194/amt-18-93-2025
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.Ł., Vassilicos J.C., Malinowski S.P., 2024, Turbulent cascades in the Atmospheric Boundary Layers, Journal of Physics: Conference Serie, vol. 2899, art. 012019, 10.1088/1742-6596/2899/1/012020
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J.L. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Microphysical measurements of hydrometeors using shadowgraph imaging technique, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2367, art. 012020, 10.1088/1742-6596/2367/1/012020
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J.L., Bertens G., Molacek J., Kumala W. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Cloud microphysical measurements at a mountain observatory: comparison between shadowgraph imaging and phase Doppler interferometry, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 15, 965-985, 10.5194/amt-15-965-2022
- Nowak J.L., Grosz R., Frey W., Niedermeier D., Mijas J., Malinowski S.P., Ort L., Schmalfuß S., Stratmann F., Voigtländer J. and Stacewicz T., 2022, Contactless optical hygrometry in LACIS-T, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 15(13), 4075-4089, 10.5194/amt-15-4075-2022
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.L. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Non-equilibrium dissipation scaling in atmospheric turbulence, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2367, art. 012032, 10.1088/1742-6596/2367/1/012032
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.L., Siebert H. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Detecting non-equilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 79(10), 2757-2772, 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0028.1
- Nowak J., Mohammadi M., Malinowski S., 2021, Applicability of the VisiSize D30 shadowgraph system for cloud microphysical measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 14, 2615–2633, 10.5194/amt-14-2615-2021
- Nowak J.L., Siebert H., Szodry K.-E. and Malinowski S.P., 2021, Coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers: turbulence properties, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 21(14), 10965-10991, 10.5194/acp-21-10965-2021
- Siebert H., Szodry K.-E., Egerer U., Wehner B., Henning S., Chevalier K., Lückerath J., Welz O., Weinhold K., Fialho P., Roberts G., Allwayin N., Schum S., Shaw R.A., Mazzoleni C., Mazzoleni L., Nowak J.L., Malinowski S. Karpinska K., Kumala W., Czyzewska D., Luke E.P., Kollias P., Wood R., Mellado J.P., 2021, Observations of aerosol, cloud, turbulence, and radiation properties at the top of the marine boundary layer over the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean: The ACORES campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 102(1), E123-E147, 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0191.1
- Stevens B., Bony S., Farrell D., ..., Grosz R., ..., Kumala W., ..., Malinowski S., ..., Nowak J.L., ..., Ziemen F., Zinner T., and Zöger M., 2021, EUREC4A, Earth System Science Data, vol. 13(8), 4067-4119, 10.5194/essd-13-4067-2021
- Karpińska K., Bodenschatz J.F.E., Malinowski S.P., Nowak J.L., Risius S., Schmeissner T., Shaw R.A., Siebert H., Xi H., Xu H., and Bodenschatz E., 2019, Turbulence-induced cloud voids: observation and interpretation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 19, 4991-5003, 10.5194/acp-19-4991-2019
- Stacewicz T., Magryta P., Petersen B., Nowak J., Kwiatkowski K., Malinowski S., 2018, Highly sensitive airborne open path optical hygrometer for upper air measurements - proof of concept, Metrology and Measurement Systems, vol. 25(4), 793–805, 10.24425/mms.2018.124877
- Nowak J., Magryta P., Stacewicz T., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P., 2016, Fast optoelectronic sensor of water concentration, Optica Applicata, vol. 46(4), 607-618, 10.5277/oa160408
Research project
Stabilna atmosferyczna warstwa graniczna: poza teorią Monina i Obukhova
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: Feb. 1, 2021–Jan. 31, 2026 -
Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (NextGEMS)
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Sept. 1, 2021–Aug. 31, 2025 -
High resolution temperature measurements: investigations of ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange in the course of EUREC4A-ATOMIC campaign.
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: NCN, HARMONIA
Realisation period: April 17, 2019–April 16, 2023 -
Mikrodynamika chmur
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: NCN, MAESTRO
Realisation period: Aug. 28, 2013–Aug. 27, 2019 -
Psychrometr samolotowy i optyczna detekcja pary wodnej
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: May 18, 2011–Aug. 31, 2015
- Google Scholar ID
- ResearchGate.net name
- ResearcherID