Zuzanna Rykowska |
Institute of Geophysics Atmospheric Physics Department |
ul. Pasteura 5 |
zuzanna.rykowska@fuw.edu.pl |
- Carneiro G.R., Rykowska Z., Camilla K.B., Stachlewska I.S., dos Santos C.A.C., 2025, Energy balance and Evapotranspiration response to environmental variables in the semi-arid Caatinga biome, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, vol. 152, art. 105319, 10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105319
- Carneiro, R. G., Dias Júnior, C. Q., Durgante, F., Mallmann, C., Borges, C. K., Rykowska, Z., de Souza, C. M. A., Marra, D., dos Santos, C. A. C., Stachlewska, I. S., Fisch, G., 2024, The Amazonian Convective Boundary Layer Heights: Spatial and Temporal Analysis, Workshop ATTO
- Rykowska, Zuzanna; Tomczak, Artur; Stachlewska, Iwona, 2024, Daily pollen concentration of 20 types of plants in Warsaw: pollination season 2023, RapOD ICM UW, vol. V1, doi.org/10.18150/6YMQNO
Research project
ACTRIS for EarthCARE L2 product evaluation (AECARE)
Role: Co-investigator
Realisation period: Sept. 1, 2023–Dec. 31, 2028 -
Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS (RI-URBANS)
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Oct. 1, 2021–Sept. 30, 2025 -
PollEN - Integrating Pollen in-situ measurements with Lidar for ENnhanced detection (TNA under ATMO-ACCESS)
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Nov. 3, 2024–Dec. 1, 2024 -
Synergic use of Lidar and Pollen sensor for Aerosol Typing (SLaP4AT)
Role: Co-investigator
Source of financing: NAWA, NAWA, Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
Realisation period: June 1, 2023–Sept. 1, 2023 -
FLUMIRA - Towards the development of FLUorescence-MIe-RAman mobile lidar (TNA under ATMO-ACCESS)
Role: Co-investigator
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Nov. 17, 2022–Dec. 1, 2022
Research & Development service
Technical assistance for Polish Radar and Lidar Mobile Observation System (POLIMOS)
Role: Co-investigator
Source of financing: ESA-ESTEC
Realisation period: April 10, 2017–Aug. 31, 2025
AGORA Aerosol Training Course
Role: Participant
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: June 12, 2023–June 17, 2023