Atmospheric physics seminar
The impact of terrain on the formation of mesoscale vortices: real-life examples based on expert assessments and opinions from a meteorologist
ppłk mgr inż. Maciej Ostrowski
niezależny ekspert
Jan. 10, 2025, 1:15 p.m.
ul. Pasteura 5, sala B4.58 and via Google Meet
We invite you to the Environmental Seminar on Atmospheric Physics titled: “The Impact of Terrain on the Formation of Mesoscale Vortices: Real-life Examples Based on Expert Assessments and a Meteorologist’s Opinions.”
When: January 10, 1:15 PM
Where: Room B4.58
Presenter: ppłk mgr inż. Maciej Ostrowski
The seminar will discuss cases of the occurrence and impact of mesoscale vortices in various locations across Poland:
• Świecie: vortices near the edge of the Vistula valley;
• Bezmiechowa in the Bieszczady Mountains: mountain rotors;
• Rybnik: leeward vortices of foothills;
• Jastarnia: vortices propagating over the Bay of Gdańsk.
Each case will be described with reference to synoptic conditions, atmospheric stratification, and satellite or radar imagery. Emphasis is placed on the use of data from nearby automatic weather stations.
In one case, the vortex dimensions were determined based on the data. These examples are part of analyses or opinions prepared for the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation or Courts.
Methodological remarks for such activities will also be shared during the presentation.