Volumetric Pollen and Particle Sampler 2010 (VPPS® 2010)

Volumetric Pollen and Particle Sampler 2010 (VPPS® 2010)
Laboratory: | Remote Sensing Laboratory |
Localisation: | ul. Pasteura 5 |
Institute: | IG |
Department: | APD |
Manager: | dr hab. Iwona S. Stachlewska |
Volumetric Pollen and Particle Sampler 2010 (VPPS® 2010) is a Hirst-type sampler dedicated to monitoring the atmospheric concentration of pollen grains and fungal spores. In 24 hours, with the suction rate at 10 liters per minute, the instrument can collect 48 mm of tape with attached material. The electronic board, controlled by a microprocessor, provides an automatic regulation of the suction flow and tension, also in case of variations of flow hindrance. VPPS® 2010 has installed automatic water draining in the event of heavy precipitation, and a centrifugal pump with low absorption. With this device, it is possible to collect samples of bioaerosol particles with timing accuracy, which can be followed by qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollen and spores under laboratory instruments such as microscopes.
Instrument Pls: Zuzanna Rykowska UW / Iwona Stachlewska UW
dr hab. Iwona S. Stachlewska | Manager |