photo-Eye examination and glasses for Ukraine

Eye examination and glasses for Ukraine

Students and lecturers from FUW's Academic Center for Optometrists' Education (ACKO) are testing the eyesight and providing glasses to refugees from Ukraine. "We've examined more than thirty patients in the first two weeks alone, and the number of applicants is growing," says Klaudia Jeznach, a first-year Optometry student. "Our contribution is work, dedicated time. We can increase our skills and help someone at the same time," adds Klaudia." Where did the idea for the campaign come from? "It happens that people fleeing the war in Ukraine reach Poland without glasses. They forgot to take them or the glasses got damaged during the long journey. Some of the people who come to us do not have current examinations or they were made inaccurately." - explains dr hab. Jacek Pniewski, Head of the European Studies of Optometry and Optometry (ESOOiO) and Optometry, who coordinates the volunteers' activities.

The tests are conducted at ACKO usually in the morning or late afternoon. "We have to combine them with studies and professional work" - explains Izabela Wąsik. Students completing their four-year studies obtain the title of an optometrist and in the fifth year of studies (first year of master's studies) they usually already work in their profession. If necessary, more difficult cases are consulted with lecturers - mgr Justyna Kiermasz and mgr Marlena Bobrowska, who are experienced optometrists. For the purpose of the event, MA students perform eye examinations, whereas their younger colleagues, studying at the Bachelor's level, are engaged in lens fitting within the framework of classes at the optical laboratory under the supervision of a lecturer, dr Rafał Brygoła.

The action "Eye examination and glasses for Ukraine" takes place in ACKO FUW, 7 Pasteur Street in Warsaw. The examination takes about 1 hour. Registration takes place via the electronic booking system
http://acko.asysto.pl and by e-mail: acko@uw.edu.pl. For more information, please contact dr hab. Jacek Pniewski from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.

We strongly recommend reading the full article, published on the FUW website 21.04.2022 https://www.fuw.edu.pl/informacja-prasowa/news7519.html 

Originally published on - April 26, 2022, 10 a.m.
Last update on - May 9, 2022, 9:21 a.m.
Publisher - Sekretariat IGF



Gallery-Eye examination and glasses for Ukraine