dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak |
University Professor |
Institute of Geophysics Photonics Department |
ul. Pasteura 5, room: B4.08 |
+48 22 55 32 008 |
Mariusz.Klimczak@fuw.edu.pl |
Nonlinear optics, fluorescent defects in novel optical materials
Employment and professional experience
2019 - present - University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, adjunct (2019-2023), associate professor (since Nov. 2023).
2018 (Sept.-Dec.) - Universite Franche-Comte, Besancon, France, ingénieur de recherche, invited visiting position in scope of Region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté researcher mobility action
2013 - 2019 - Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, adjunct, then associate professor
2010-2013 - Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, assistant, then adjunct
DSc (habilitation) - 2016 - University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, physics
PhD - 2010 - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, electronics
MSc - 2004 - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, electronics
Scholarships and scientific stays abroad
1. September-December 2018 – Universite Franche-Comte and FEMTO-ST Institut, Besancon, invited professor (Bourgogne Franche Comte Research Mobility program for outstanding researchers), anti-resonant hollow core fibers, resulting paper: Opt. Lett. 44, 4395
2. July 2017 (three weeks) Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou China, invited lecturer and researcher, soliton dynamics in fiber lasers, resulting joint papers: (2020) Physical Review A, 102, 013501; (2020) Opt. Express, 28, 9802; (2019) Opt. Express, 27, 29770; (2019) Opt. Express, 27, 24147;
3. September 2015 (one week) DTU Fotonik, DTU, Denmark, research visit, resulting paper: (2016) Opt. Express 24, 29406
4. June (two weeks) 2013 - Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland, study visit in scope of COST Action MP1204 (Short Term Scientific Mission), outcome: Klimczak et al., Journal of Optics 16 (8), art. no. 085202 (Paper awarded twice by the publisher IOP Publishing).
Fizyka z Matematyką I (ESOO), semestry zimowe, wykład, ćwiczenia
Fizyka z Matematyką II (ESOO), semestry letnie, ćwiczenia
Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship (up to winter semester 2023/24)
Reviewer of doctoral dissertations
“Development of low-noise visible near-infrared fiber-based supercontinuum source”
Etienne Genier
Université de Franche-Comté
Advisers: prof. John Dudley, dr. Thibaut Sylvestre
(2) „Lasery typu ARROW VCSEL z wyspa tlenkowa wewnatrz wneki rezonansowej”
Marta Więckowska
Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej, Informatyki i Matematyki Stosowanej
Adviser: dr hab. inz. Maciej Dems
(3) „Generacja ultrakrótkich impulsów w laserach światłowodowych opartych na sztucznych nasycalnych absorberach”
Mgr inż. Zbigniew Łaszczych
Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Elektroniki, Fotoniki i Mikrosystemów » Katedra Teorii Pola, Układów Elektronicznych i Optoelektroniki
Adviser: dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Soboń, prof. PWr
Promoter of doctoral dissertations
PhD assisting supervision formally assigned by Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
2013-2016 – Bartłomiej Siwicki, successfully defended in 2016, currently at Coherent, UK
2013-2018 – Grzegorz Stępniewski, successfully defended in 2018, currently holds a research position at Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics (Warsaw)
PhD supervision as main supervisor
2016-2020 – Anupamaa Rampur - University of Warsaw, Physics, successfully defended in 09.2020, currently at Department of Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland.
2016-2021 – Dominik Dobrakowski - University of Warsaw, Physics, successfully defended in 09.2021, currently an IT specialist in private sector in Poland.
2018-2022 – Tanvi Karpate – Warsaw University of Technology, Physics, successfully defended in 03.2022 and moved to ASML company in Eindhoven.
- Crocco M.C., Mangini F., Filosa R., Solano A., Agostino R.G., Barberi R.C., Couderc V., Klimczak M., Filipkowski A., Buczynski R., Wabnitz S., Formoso V., and Ferraro M., 2024, Soft glass optical fiber characterization with X-ray computed microtomography, Optical Materials Express, vol. 14(1), 70-81, 10.1364/OME.504422
- Filipkowski A., Mrózek M., Stępniewski G., Ficek M., Pysz D., Gawlik W., Buczyński R., Wojciechowski A., Klimczak M., 2024, Magnetic field mapping along a NV-rich nanodiamond-doped fiber, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 124(23), art. 231104, 10.1063/5.0204089
- Krutova E., Salmela L., Eslami Z., Karpate T., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Genty G., 2024, Supercontinuum generation in a graded-index multimode tellurite fiber, Optics Letters, vol. 49(11), 2865-2868, 10.1364/OL.521639
- Chen F., Lan H., Wang Y., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Tang X., Tang M., Zhu H. and Zhao L., 2023, Characterization of sidebands in fiber lasers based on nonlinear Fourier transformation, Optics Express, vol. 31(5), 7554-7563, 10.1364/OE.479514
- Gomółka G., Stępniewski G., Pysz D., Buczyński R., Klimczak M. and Nikodem M., 2023, Highly sensitive methane detection using a mid-infrared interband cascade laser and an anti-resonant hollow-core fiber, Optics Express, vol. 31(3), 3685-3697, 10.1364/OE.479963
- Karpate T., Stępniewski G., Kardaś T., Pysz D., Kasztalanic R., Stepanenko Y., Buczyński R., Krupa K. and Klimczak M., 2023, Quasi-periodic temporal pulse reshaping in femtosecond-pumped tellurite graded-index multimode fiber, Optics Express, vol. 31(8), 13269-13278, 10.1364/OE.480398
- Lan H., Chen F., Wang Y., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Tang X., Tang M., Zhu H. and Zhao L., 2023, Polarization dynamics of vector solitons in a fiber laser, Optics Express, vol. 31(13), 21452-21463, 10.1364/OE.488504
- Liu C., Klimczak M., Buczyński R., Tang X., Tang M., Zhu H., Zhao L., 2023, Multimode dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a Yb-doped fiber laser, Optics Communications, vol. 535, art. 129361, 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129361
- Stępniewski G., Hänzi P., Filipkowski A., Janik M., Mrózek M., Stepanenko Y., Bogdanowicz R., Romano V., Heidt A., Buczyński R., Klimczak M., 2023, Nonlinearity shaping in nanostructured glass-diamond hybrid materials for optical fiber preforms, CARBON, vol. 215, art. 118465, 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118465
- Stępniewski G., Mrózek M., Filipkowski A., Głowacki M.J., Pysz D., Gawlik W., Buczyński R., Wojciechowski A., Klimczak M., 2023, ODMR-based and microwave-free magnetic field gradiometry with nanodiamond-doped anti-resonant hollow core fibers, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 355, art. 114321, 10.1016/j.sna.2023.114321
- Wang, C. Li, F. Chen, H. Lan, S. Fu, M. Klimczak, R. Buczyński, X. Tang, M. Tang, L. Zhao, A, 2023, A prince for the sleeping beauty - NFT for soliton signal processing, Optics Communications, vol. 547, art. 129857, 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129857
- Anuszkiewicz A., Bouet M., Michalik D., Stepniewski G., Kasztelanic R., Filipkowski A., Pysz D., Cassez A., Klimczak M., Bouwmans G., Mussot A. and Buczynski R., 2022, All solid polarization maintaining silica fiber with birefringence induced by anisotropic metaglass, Optics Letters, vol. 47(2), 401-404, 10.1364/OL.438622
- Eslami Z., Salmela L., Filipkowski A., Pysz D., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Dudley J.M., Genty G., 2022, Two octave supercontinuum generation in a non-silica graded-index multimode fiber, Nature Communications, vol. 13, art. 2126, 10.1038/s41467-022-29776-6
- Filipkowski A., Mrózek M., Stepniewski G., Glowacki M., Pysz D., Gawlik W., Buczynski R., Klimczak M. and Wojciechowski A., 2022, Magnetically sensitive fiber probe with nitrogen-vacancy center nanodiamonds integrated in a suspended core, Optics Express, vol. 30(11), 19573-19581, 10.1364/OE.458162
- Filipkowski A., Mrózek M., Stępniewski G., Głowacki M., Pysz D., Gawlik W., Buczyński R., Klimczak M. and Wojciechowski A., 2022, Magnetically sensitive fiber probe with nitrogen-vacancy center nanodiamonds integrated in a suspended core, Optics Express, vol. 30(11), 19573-19581, 10.1364/OE.458162
- Filipkowski A., Mrózek M., Stępniewski G., Kierdaszuk J., Drabińska A., Karpate T., Głowacki M., Ficek M., Gawlik W., Buczyński R., Wojciechowski A., Bogdanowicz R., Klimczaka M., 2022, Volumetric incorporation of NV diamond emitters in nanostructured F2 glass magneto-optical fiber probes, Carbon, vol. 196, 10-19, 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.04.024
- Franczyk M., Pysz D., Stepien R., Cimek J., Kasztelanic R., Chen F.L., Klimczak M., Zhao L., Kasik I., Peterka P., and Buczynski R., 2022, Dual Band Active Nanostructured Core Fiber for Two-Color Fiber Laser Operation, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40(21), 7180-7190, 10.1109/JLT.2022.3199581
- Liu C., Klimczak M., Buczyński R., Kong J., Cheng L., Komarov A., Tang X., Tang M., Zhu H., Zhao L., 2022, Pulse shrinkage of dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses with or without period doubling, Optics Communications, vol. 512, art. 128071, 10.1016/j.optcom.2022.128071
- Nguyen H.T., Stepniewski G., Filipkowski A., Kasztelanic R., Pysz D., Van H.L., Stepien R., Klimczak M., Krolikowski W. and Buczynski R., 2022, Transmission of an optical vortex beam in antiresonant fibers generated in an all-fiber system, Optics Express, vol. 30(25), 45635-45647, 10.1364/OE.468461
- Orzechowska Z., Mrózek M., Filipkowski A., Pysz D., Stępień R., Ficek M., Wojciechowski A.M., Klimczak M., Bogdanowicz R., Gawlik W., 2022, Tellurite Glass Rods with Submicron-Size Diamonds as Photonic Magnetic Field and Temperature Sensors, Advanced Quantum Technologies, vol. 5(3), art. 2100128, 10.1002/qute.202100128
- Rao S.D.S., Karpate T., Ghosh A.N., Gonzalo I.B., Klimczak M., Pysz D., Buczyński R., Billet C., Bang O., Dudley J.M. and Sylvestre T., 2022, Noise in supercontinuum generated using PM and non-PM tellurite glass all-normal dispersion fibers, Optics Letters, vol. 47(10), 2550-2553, 10.1364/OL.455571
- Wang Y., Chen F., Fu S., Kong J., Komarov A., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Tang X., Tang M. and Zhao L., 2022, Nonlinear Fourier Transform Assisted High-order Soliton Characterization, New Journal of Physics, vol. 24, art. 033039, 10.1088/1367-2630/ac5a86
- Cheng Z., Klimczak M., Buczyński R., Kong J., Tang X., Tang M., Feng Y. and Zhao L., 2021, Period doubling and merging of multiple dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a fiber laser, Applied Optics, vol. 60(12), 3322-3326, 10.1364/AO.420725
- Gomolka G., Krajewska M., Khegai A., Alyshev S., Lobanov A., Firstov S., Pysz D., Stepniewski G., Buczynski R., Klimczak M. and Nikodem M., 2021, Heterodyne photothermal spectroscopy of methane near 1651 nm inside hollow-core fiber using bismuth-doped fiber amplifier, Applied Optics, vol. 60(15), C84-C91, 10.1364/AO.420044
- Le H.V., Hoang V.T., Stępniewski G., Canh T.L., Minh T.L.T., Kasztelanic R., Klimczak M., Pniewski J., Dinh K.X., Heidt A.M. and Buczyński R., 2021, Low pump power coherent supercontinuum generation in heavy metal oxide solid-core photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride covering 930–2500 nm, Optics Express, vol. 29(24), 39586-39600, 10.1364/OE.443666
- Pierscinski K., Stepniewski G., Klimczak M., Sobczak G., Dobrakowski D., Pierscinska D., Pysz D., Bugajski M., Buczynski R., 2021, Butt-Coupling of 4.5 μm Quantum Cascade Lasers to Silica Hollow Core Anti-Resonant Fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39(10), 3284-3290, 10.1109/JLT.2021.3062490
- Rampur A., Spangenberg D.-M., Sierro B., Hänzi P., Klimczak M. and Heidt A.M., 2021, Perspective on the next generation of ultra-low noise fiber supercontinuum sources and their emerging applications in spectroscopy, imaging, and ultrafast photonics, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 118, art. 240504, 10.1063/5.0053436
- Stępniewski G., Kasztelanic R., Pysz D., Dinh K.X., Klimczak M., Buczyński R., 2021, Enhancement of UV-visible transmission characteristics in wet-etched hollow core anti-resonant fibers, Optics Express, vol. 29, 18243-18262, 10.1364/OE.426388
- Sylvestre T., Genier E., Ghosh A.N., Bowen P., Genty G., Troles J., Mussot A., Peacock A.C., Klimczak M., Heidt A.M., Travers J.C., Bang O. and Dudley J.M., 2021, Recent Advances in Supercontinuum Generation in Specialty Optical Fibers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 38(12), F90-F103, 10.1364/JOSAB.439330
- Van H.L., Hoang V.T., Canh T.L., Dinh Q.H., Nguyen H.T., Minh N.V.T., Klimczak M., Buczynski R. and Kasztelanic R., 2021, Silica-based photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with 1,2-dibromoethane for supercontinuum generation, Applied Optics, vol. 60(24), 7268-7278, 10.1364/AO.430843
- Yucheng M., Filipkowski A., Stepniewski G., Dobrakowski D., Zhou J., Lou B., Klimczak M., Zhao L., Buczynski R., 2021, Fusion splicing of silica hollow core anti-resonant fibers with polarization maintaining fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39(10), 3251-3259, 10.1109/JLT.2021.3058888
- Yutian W., Fu S., Kong J., Komarov A., Klimczak M., Buczynski R., Tang X., Tang M., Qin Y. and Zhao L., 2021, Nonlinear Fourier Transform enabled Eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation, Photonics Research, vol. 9(8), art. 08001531, 10.1364/PRJ.427842
- Canh T.L., Hoang T.V., Van H.L., Pysz D., Long C.V., Dinh T.B., Nguyen D.T., Dinh Q.H., Klimczak M., Kasztelanic R., Pniewski J., Buczynski R., and Dinh K.X., 2020, Supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion suspended core fiber infiltrated with water, Optical Materials Express, vol. 10(7), 1733-1748, 10.1088/1555-6611/ab6f09
- Dobrakowski D., Rampur A., Stępniewski G., Pysz D., Zhao L., Stepanenko Y., Buczyński R., and Klimczak M., 2020, Femtosecond pulse delivery around 1560 nm in large-core inhibited-coupling fibers: erratum, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37(4), 1073-1074, 10.1364/JOSAB.389942
- Forestier X., Karpate T., Huss G., Tombelaine V., Stępniewski G., Anuszkiewicz A., Kasztelanic R., Filipkowski A., Pysz D., Klimczak M. & Buczyński R., 2020, Supercontinuum generation in nanostructured core gradient index fibers, Applied Nanoscience, vol. 10, 1997-2005, 10.1007/s13204-020-01319-9
- Heidt A.M., Hodasi J.M., Rampur A., Spangenberg D.-M., Ryser M., Klimczak M.& Feurer T., 2020, Low noise all-fiber amplification of a coherent supercontinuum at 2 µm and its limits imposed by polarization noise, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, art.16734, 10.1038/s41598-020-73753-2
- Hoang T.V., Dobrakowski D., Stępniewski G., Kasztelanic R., Pysz D., Dinh K.X., Klimczak M., Śmietana M. and Buczyński R., 2020, Antiresonant fibers with single- and double-ring capillaries for optofluidic applications, Optics Express, vol. 28(22), 32483-32498, 10.1364/OE.404701
- Hoang V.T., Kasztelanic R., Stępniewski G., Xuan K.D., Long V.C., Trippenbach M., Klimczak M., Buczyński R. and Pniewski J., 2020, Femtosecond supercontinuum generation around 1560 nm in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with carbon tetrachloride, Applied Optics, vol. 59(12, 3720-3725, 10.1364/AO.385003
- Hua L., Wang S., Yang X., Yao X., Li L., Komarov A., Klimczak M., Shen D., Tang D., Su L.and Zhao L., 2020, Period doubling of multiple dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a fibre laser, OSA Continuum, vol. 3(4), 911-920, 10.1364/OSAC.385465
- Karpate T., Stepniewski G., Pysz D., Rampur A., Stepanenko Y., Buczynski R. and Klimczak M., 2020, Soliton detuning of 68.5 THz in the near-infrared in a highly nonlinear suspended core tellurite fiber, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37(5), 1502-1509, 10.1364/JOSAB.389303
- Rampur A., Spangenberg D.-M., Stępniewski G., Dobrakowski D., Tarnowski K., Stefańska K., Paździor A., Mergo P., Martynkien T., Feurer T., Klimczak M. and Heidt A.M., 2020, Temporal fine structure of all-normal dispersion fiber supercontinuum pulses caused by non-ideal pump pulse shapes, Optics Express, vol. 28(11), 16579-16593, 10.1364/OE.392871
- Stępniewski G., Dobrakowski D., Pysz D., Kasztelanic R., Buczyński R. and Klimczak M., 2020, Birefringent large-mode-area anti-resonant hollow core fiber in the 1.9 µm wavelength window, Optics Letters, vol. 45(15), 4280-4283, 10.1364/OL.398650
- Wang Y., Su L., Wang S., Hua L., Li L., Shen D., Tang D., Komarov A., Klimczak M., Fu S., Tang M., Tang X., and Zhao L., 2020, Breach and recurrence of dissipative soliton resonance during period doubling evolution in a fiber laser, Physical Review A, vol. 102, art. 013501, 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.013501
- Yao X., Li L., Komarov A., Klimczak M., Tang D., Shen D., Su L., and Zhao L., 2020, Period doubling eigenstates in a fiber laser mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation, Optics Express, vol. 28(7), 9802-9810, 10.1364/OE.383661
- Zhao J., Zhou J., Jiang Y., Li L., Shen D., Komarov A., Su L., Tang D., Klimczak M. and Zhao L., 2020, Nonlinear Absorbing-Loop Mirror in a Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38(21), 6069-6075, 10.1109/JLT.2020.3005611
- Buczynski R., Filipkowski A., Piechal B., Nguyen H.T., Pysz D., Stepien R., Waddie A., Taghizadeh M.R., Klimczak M. and Kasztelanic R., 2019, Achromatic nanostructured gradient index microlenses, Optics Express, vol. 27(7), 9588-9600, 10.1364/OE.27.009588
- Dobrakowski D., Rampur A., Stępniewski G., Anuszkiewicz A., Lisowska J., Pysz D., Kasztelanic R., Klimczak M., 2019, Development of highly nonlinear polarization maintaining fibers with normal dispersion across entire transmission window, Journal of Optics, vol. 21(1), 1241-1244, 10.1088/2040-8986/aaf4af
- Dobrakowski D., Rampur A., Stępniewski G., Pysz D., Zhao L., Stepanenko Y., Buczyński R., and Klimczak M., 2019, Femtosecond pulse delivery around 1560 nm in large-core inhibited-coupling fibers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 36(11), 3030-3038, 10.1364/JOSAB.36.003030
- Dobrakowski D., Stępniewski G., Kasztelanic R., Buczyński R. and Klimczak M., 2019, Birefringence of nonlinearity in all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fibers, Journal of Optics, vol. 21, art. 125502, 10.1088/2040-8986/ab4dbd
- Hoang V.T., Kasztelanic R., Filipkowski A., Stępniewski G., Pysz D., Klimczak M., Ertman S., Long V.C., Woliński T.R., Trippenbach M, Xuan K.D., Śmietana M. and Buczyński R., 2019, Supercontinuum generation in an all-normal dispersion large core photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride, Optical Materials Express, vol. 9(5), 2264-2278, 10.1364/OME.9.002264
- Klimczak M., Dobrakowski D., Ghosh A.N., Stępniewski G., Pysz D., Huss G., Sylvestre T., Buczyński R., 2019, Nested capillary anti-resonant silica fiber with mid-infrared transmission and low bending sensitivity at 4000 nm, Optics Letters, vol. 44(17), 4395-4398, 10.1364/OL.44.004395
- Klimczak M., Michalik D., Stępniewski G., Karpate T., Cimek J., Forestier X., Kasztelanic R., Pysz D., Stępień R., and Buczyński R., 2019, Coherent supercontinuum generation in tellurite glass regular lattice photonic crystal fibers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 36(2), A112-A124, 10.1364/JOSAB.36.00A112
- Nikodem M., Gomółka G., Klimczak M., Pysz D. and Buczyński R., 2019, Demonstration of mid-infrared gas sensing using an anti-resonant hollow core fiber and a quantum cascade laser, Optics Express, vol. 27(25), 36350-36357, 10.1364/OE.27.036350
- Nikodem M., Gomółka G., Klimczak M., Pysz D., and Buczyński R., 2019, Laser absorption spectroscopy at 2 µm inside revolver-type anti-resonant hollow core fiber, Optics Express, vol. 27(10), 14998-15006, 10.1364/OE.27.014998
- Osuch T., Anuszkiewicz A., Markowski K., Filipkowski A., Pysz D., Kasztelanic R., Stepien R., Klimczak M., and Buczynski R., 2019, Inscription of Bragg gratings in nanostructured graded index single-mode fibers, Optics Express, vol. 27(10), 13721-13733, 10.1364/OE.27.013721
- Rampur A., Stepanenko Y., Stępniewski G., Kardaś T., Dobrakowski D., Spangenberg D.M., Feurer T., Heidt A., and Klimczak M., 2019, Ultra low-noise coherent supercontinuum amplification and compression below 100 fs in an all-fiber polarization-maintaining thulium fiber amplifier, Optics Express, vol. 27(24), 35041-35051, 10.1364/OE.27.035041
- Stępniewski G., Pniewski J., Pysz D., Cimek, J., Stępień R., Klimczak M., Buczyński R., 2018, Development of Dispersion-Optimized Photonic Crystal Fibers Based on Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses for Broadband Infrared Supercontinuum Generation with Fiber Laser, Sensors, vol. 18(12), art. 4127, 10.3390/s18124127
Research project
Two-dimensional boron nitride: a game-changer for ultrafast lasers in portable applications?
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, OPUS
Realisation period: Oct. 1, 2024–Sept. 30, 2028 -
Quantum-effect-based nanosensing and imaging: Novel glass-diamond photonic approach for the next generation biodiagnostic applications
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: FNP
Realisation period: July 1, 2019–Sept. 28, 2023
- Nonlinearity shaping in specialty tellurite glass optical fibers
Tanvi Karpate, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - Study of linear and nonlinear properties and of birefringence of structured optical fibers for applications in ultrashort laser pulse sources
Dominik Dobrakowski, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2021 - Coherently seeded broadband ultrafast fiber amplifiers
Anupamaa Rampur, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2020 - nfrared supercontinuum generation in soft glass photonic crystal fibers
Grzegorz Stępniewski, Wydzial Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2018 - Badanie stabilności i szerokości spektralnej widma superkontinuum w całoszklanych włóknach fotonicznych w zakresie dyspersji normalnej
Bartłomiej Siwicki, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2016
- Optical nonlinearity in silica step-index fibres with nanodiamonds volumetrically integrated in the fibre core
Sara Łukasik, Wydział Fizyki, 2023