
Optimization of optical properties of photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride for supercontinuum generation with subnanojoule femtosecond pulses

Dinh QH, Pniewski J., Le Van H., Ramaniuk A., Borzycki K., Xuan K.D., Klimczak M., Buczynski R.

Applied Optics

57 (14), 2018, 3738-3746, 10.1364/AO.57.003738

A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) made of fused silica glass, infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), is proposed as a new source of supercontinuum (SC) light. Guiding properties in terms of effective refractive index, attenuation, and dispersion of the fundamental mode are studied numerically. As a result, two optimized structures are selected and verified against SC generation in detail. The dispersion characteristic of the first structure has the zero-dispersion wavelength at 1.252 μm, while the dispersion characteristic of the second structure is all-normal and equals −4.37  ps·nm−1·km−1 at 1.55 μm. SC generation was demonstrated for the wavelengths 1.064 μm, 1.35 μm, and 1.55 μm. We prove the possibility of coherent, octave-spanning SC generation with 300 fs pulses with only 0.8 nJ of energy in-coupled into the core with each of the studied structures. Proposed fibers are fully compatible with all-silica fiber systems and PCFs with wide mode area, and can also be used for all-fiber SC sources. The proposed solution may lead to new low-cost all-fiber optical systems.
