
The minimal sizes of impactors that formed the Vesta family and 15 other asteroid families

Leliwa-Kopystynski J., Wlodarczyk I.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

528(4), 2024, pp. 6312-6318, 10.1093/mnras/stae332

The minimal sizes of impactors that produced asteroid families were calculated, and their maximal sizes, i.e. the size that corresponds to head-on collisions, were estimated. We used data for 16 large families and the physical parameters of some members of these families available in NASA's JPL updated in 2022. We found that the typical minimal sizes of family-forming impactors were of the order of one-tenth the size of the parent bodies (PBs). The Themis family, for which the ratio of the radii rimp/RPB = 0.08 and the mass loss is as large as 0.55, presents an example. The families of Juno and Euphrosyne, with the impactor to PB size ratio of an order of 0.01, are rather exceptional. The PBs of Juno and Euphrosyne families lost only 0.0014 and 0.0061 of their mass, respectively. It was found that the double structure of the Vesta family could have originated from two impacts by the bodies with radii as small as about 4 km, at least.
