Research project

Two-dimensional boron nitride: a game-changer for ultrafast lasers in portable applications?

Project leader:
dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak
Funding institution:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki, OPUS
Realization period:
Oct. 1, 2024 - Sept. 30, 2028
dr hab. Mariusz Klimczak Project leader


Layered Materials Laboratory FUW


Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Laser Centre


Research in the Project will focus on two-dimensional boron nitride (2D BN) and the potential of this material for use in mode-locking techniques and the generation of ultrashort laser pulses in integrated devices. The studies will cover key phenomena and parameters of nonlinear optics and UV luminescence in 2D BN, such as nonlinear absorption, gain bandwidth, and fluorescence lifetimes. The Project comprises two parallel work packages: the first focuses on the growth and characterization of 2D BN heterostructures, while the second concentrates on nonlinear optics research and mode-locked cavities.

The Project will be conducted over 48 months by two research teams: the Layered Materials Laboratory of the University of Warsaw (Faculty of Physics) and the Laser Center Group of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Expected outcomes include the development of new growth protocols for 2D BN heterostructures with enhanced nonlinear properties and well-defined UV luminescence characteristics, which would unlock new directions in the field of ultrafast integrated lasers, with potential future applications in e.g. nonlinear imaging.

JOB ALERT - Warsaw - postdoc.

Research will focus on 2D boron nitride (2D BN) for NLO and mode-locking. The project has two WPs: growing and characterizing 2D BN heterostructures, and studying their NLO response and mode-locked cavities utilizing them. Conducted over 48 months by teams from the University of Warsaw (Physics) and Polish Academy of Sciences (Inst.Phys.Chem). The postdoc pos. is avaiable for 4y at the team from Inst. of Physical Chemisty PAS for the NLO characterization effort.

