Research project

Variability in the height of the planetary boundary layer and the relationship with micrometeorology and atmospheric chemistry in the central Amazon region: Observational study and numerical simulations

Principal investigator:
dr Rayonil Gomes Carneiro
Funding institution:
Realization period:
Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2025
dr Rayonil Gomes Carneiro Principal investigator

Characterizing the characteristics of the CLP, especially its height, is decisive in the process of dispersion of polluting substances, where studies suggest that concentrations of gases and aerosols are correlated with this height. To carry out this study, calculated experimental data will be used: 1) by sensors installed at the ATTO site since 2015; 2) during the GoAmazon experiment carried out between 2014/2015 and 3) by a micrometeorological tower installed in the city of Manaus-AM since 2021. In addition to the experimental data, high-resolution numerical simulations will also be carried out using the Large Eddy Simlulation PALM models ( with spatial resolution of the order of m and time of s) and those used in meteorological forecasting such as WRF-Chem (for a 1km resolution scale), in addition to the use of ERA5 reanalysis data available at ECMWF.
