Research project

The impact of biomass burning aerosol on physical properties of the atmosphere, radiative budget and air quality over Central Europe

Project leader:
dr Olga Zawadzka-Mańko
Funding institution:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki, SONATA
Realization period:
Sept. 28, 2023 - Sept. 27, 2026
dr Olga Zawadzka-Mańko Project leader
mgr Michalina Broda
Michał Chiliński Investigator
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Markowicz Investigator

The presented project aims to determine the relationship between biomass burning (BB) aerosol advected over Central Europe from various fire types and via different transportation paths, aerosol properties, radiative budget, as well as air quality. The outcome of the project will allow us to verify the hypotheses and answer questions defined in the research objectives and will contribute to the increase of knowledge about the properties and role of biomass burning aerosol transported over Central Europe in various aspects. Other conducted calculations will help to determine the extent to which BB aerosol over Central Europe influences the observed climate changes. Authors believe that collected data may be also useful in the future to parameterize aerosol physical properties in transport models and allow improving the air quality forecasts, especially in Central Europe, where air pollution is still high.
