Fizyka procesów klimatycznych (en)

Academic year: 2015/2016
Semester: summer


1. Introduction: climate system, climate processes, climate, and weather anomalies.

2. Energy balance of the planet. Radiative forcing. Positive and negative feedbacks in the climate system. Climate sensitivity.

3. Radiative and radiative-convective equilibrium. Zero-dimensional climate models.

4. Energy balance in various latitudes. Heat transport, general circulation of the atmosphere, and the ocean.

5. Observation systems in millimeter research and monitoring. Databases, climate records.

6. Greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle.

7. Clouds and aerosols.

8. Natural climate changes. Milankovich cycles, solar activity, oceanic circulations.

9. Climate modeling. Weather forecasts and climate projections. Simple climate models.

10. History of climate physics.

11. Natural history of climate, paleoclimatology. Local and global climate changes.

12. Global warming and past climate variations.

13. 5th IPCC report.

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