photo-Training Opportunity for public authorities: How to implement the revised EU ambient air quality directive?

Training Opportunity for public authorities: How to implement the revised EU ambient air quality directive?

As part of the European Green Deal, the European Union is revising the air pollution standards to align them more closely with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The relevant ongoing discussions related to the revision of this Air Quality directive involve Ultra-Fine Particles (UFP), Particle Number Size Distribution (PNSD), Black Carbon (BC), online and offline speciation of Particulate Matter (PM), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Ammonia (NH3), Oxidative Potential (OP) and Methane (CH4). The research on these air pollutants is carried out by the European research infrastructures IAGOS, ACTRIS, and ICOS, including: measuring their concentrations with very high precision. These networks offer valuable and effective support to public authorities.

The ATMO-ACCESS initiative, including IAGOS, ICOS, and ACTRIS in cooperation with the EU project H2020 - RI-URBANS (project aimed at enhancing monitoring capabilities for urban air pollution evaluation, prediction and abatement of urban air pollution), offers training in the implementation of protocols for measuring the mentioned air quality parameters, following the updated European Union Directive on ambient air quality.

This call is addressed to public authorities involved in assessing air quality, reporting on air pollution levels, or dealing with the impact of air pollutants on health and climate. It provides a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and engage with air quality experts from the European research community.

Attendance in the webinar(s) is free of charge.

The training will be organised as 2 online sessions to be held in October 2024:

1) 4th Oct. 2024, 10:00-13:00 EEST; Webinar on UFP and PNSD; Speakers: Xavier Querol, Andres Alastuey, Ondracek Jakub

2) 22nd Oct. 2024, 14:00-17:00 EEST Webinar on VOCs, PM and BC; Speakers: Therese Salameh, Jean-Eudes Petit, Marco Pandolfi

Registration procedure:

  1. Please register your interest by 19th July at this online form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSojDQapG583ao6KgFa4e7tCTP6RDavyT5xjzSJ-MQcmABVw/viewform?usp=sf_link 
  2. Your application will be screened and selected by ATMO-ACCESS Strategic Access Board.

    Don't hesitate to contact the ATMO-ACCESS project office should you have any question.

    LINK: https://www.atmo-access.eu/training-opportunity-for-public-authorities-how-to-implement-the-revised-eu-ambient-air-quality-directive/

    Originally published on - July 12, 2024, 2:28 p.m.
    Last update on - July 12, 2024, 2:33 p.m.
    Publisher - Sekretariat IGF
