photo-Centre for Europe UW - Help for Ukraine

Centre for Europe UW - Help for Ukraine

In view of the developments following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the European Centre of the University of Warsaw (CE UW) has implemented actions aimed at assisting our neighbours in the situation. Below is a list of actions taken. At the same time, CE UW emphasises paying special attention to the sources from which information about the international situation is obtained. There is a lot of fake news circulating on the net. Together with CE UW, we ask you to pay attention to seemingly "original" information and not to pass unverified content on. 

CE UW actions are taken:

I. Collection of items until Saturday, 05.03.2022 at CE UW (Al. Niepodległości 22, Warsaw), Mon-Sat 8 am - 3 pm room 210; PT 8 am - 3 pm room 202 (in the Dean's Office)
- sleeping bags
- sleeping pads
- blankets
- pillows
- all medical supplies and dressing materials (bandages, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, painkillers, ointments for bruises, etc.)
If any of you bring donations at a later time, please leave them at the reception.

II. Voluntary contributions. CE UW recommends three foundations dedicated to helping victims of the invasion, both in Poland and locally:

a) Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH)
- przekazanie darowizny poprzez stronę internetową PAH
- przekazanie darowizny bezpośrednio na konto organizacji
02 2490 0005 0000 4600 8316 8772

b)  Polska Misja Medyczna / Polish Medical Mission
- przekazanie darowizny na oficjalnej zbiórce na Facebooku
- przekazanie darowizny na numer konta Polskiej Misji Medycznej
62 1240 2294 1111 0000 3718 5444 z dopiskiem UKRAINA

c) SOS wioski dziecięce
- przekazanie darowizny na oficjalnej stronie internetowej SOS wioski dziecięce
- przekazanie darowizny na numer konta SOS wioski dziecięce
IBAN: PL07124062471111000049750683

III. Declaration of admission of staff. CE UW declared to accept two research workers from Ukraine on a part-time basis. One person from Kyiv and the other from Lviv. The unit is already in contact with these persons. Cooperation will be developed as far as possible. For many years CE UW has had very good cooperation with I. Franko National University of Lviv and Kyiv universities.

IV. Legal support for Ukrainian students and employees at the University. CE UW will establish a group to provide legal support to Ukrainian students and staff at the UW and more broadly.

V. Action to make the world understand the situation in Ukraine. Together with the College of Social Science, National Taiwan University and the University of Calcutta, CE UW is organizing two seminars in the coming week. 

Source: Help for Ukraine - European Centre of the UW

Originally published on - Feb. 28, 2022, 8:30 a.m.
Last update on - March 1, 2022, 11:17 a.m.
Publisher - Sekretariat IGF
