A note from a meeting of turbulence researchers in Lille, 2024
The 4th edition of the annual Lille Turbulence Program 2024 (LTP) workshop and conference, organized by the Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de Lille (LMFL)-Campé de Fériet in France, is taking place from June 17 to July 12, 2024. Atmospheric physics specialists from around the world come to Lille for four summer weeks to present and discuss their activities, reflect on and initiate new research directions, and collaborate on experimental and numerical databases, related to turbulent flows.
At this year's meeting in Lille, the Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of our Atmospheric Physics Department is represented by: Paweł Jędrejko, Jakub Nowak, Marta Wacławczyk and Szymon Malinowski. The first three days of the meeting always include a workshop like a small conference with speeches of 40 minutes each. During the workshop, our team was represented by Jakub Nowak and Szymon Malinowski as invited speakers. The rest of the program consisted of more informal discussions and presentations of current research results. There is also one joint seminar each afternoon, with a different speaker daily. The seminars featured speakers Pawel Jedrejko and Marta Waclawczyk.
During the conference, participants can use LMFL's experimental facilities, including a 20-meter wind tunnel, as part of the CONTRAERO research platform of the University of Lille. The IGF FUW team first participated in the LTP last year, consisting of Stanislaw Król, Jakub Nowak, Marta Waclawczyk and Szymon Malinowski. At that time, cooperation with Christos Vassilicos of Lille - the host and organizer of the LTP - was initiated. The joint research concerned a novel analysis of aircraft turbulence measurements made in 2020 during the EUREC4A campaign, in which our scientists had previously participated.
The results of the analysis of the turbulence kinetic energy budget by scale in the regime of shallow convection, obtained from measurements from the EUREC4A campaign, were presented by Jakub Nowak at this year's meeting. The most important conclusion of the study is the finding of a different character of turbulence at various levels in the atmosphere. Aircraft measurements were made at four characteristic levels. At the two lower ones - near the surface and in the middle of the subcloud layer - turbulence with characteristics consistent with the predictions of Kolmogorov theory is observed. On the other hand, at the two higher ones - near the upper boundary of the subcloud layer and at the base of the cumulus clouds - the contrary, turbulence shows features of disequilibrium, which is not covered by classical theory.
Scientific consultation:
dr Jakub Nowak
Originally published on - June 17, 2024, noon
Last update on - June 26, 2024, 11:06 a.m.
Publisher - Dąbrówka Stępniewska