photo-36-month student grant

36-month student grant

Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw in the framework of OPUS 19 project: 
“Stably-Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Beyond the standard Monin and Obukhov Approach”
one 36-month student grant


Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw is looking for a PhD candidate, who is going to work on a challenging research project of developing theories for the stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layer based on the multiscale asymptotic expansions and Lie algebra. The current theoretical research of the stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layer is dominated by similarity theories based on dimensional analyses. The proposed project here departs significantly by examining the governing equation system of the boundary layer explicitly by these two mathematical methodologies. The two major goals of the project are to re-construct the standard Monin-Obkhov theories from these new perspectives and to further extend them to situations with spatial inhomogeneities, transiencies, and intermittencies. The student is also expected to perform extensive data analyses for verifying those theoretical results.  The three-year scholarship (36 months) is available for a graduate student under the OPUS 19 project, “Stably-Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Beyond the standard Monin and Obukhov Approach” (ttps://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.phpprojekt_id=485030). The PhD candidate will be co-supervised by Marta Waclawczyk at the University of Warsaw and Jun-Ichi Yano at CNRS, Météo France.

Requirements for the candidates:

  • Good background in mathematics with the willingness to learn new mathematics (multiscale asymptotic expansions and Lie algebra), even if not yet familiar with them.
  • Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics, the basic notions of turbulence, and the willingness to learn the most updated theories of turbulence, which constitute the crucial background of the PhD project.
  • Prior knowledge of atmospheric science is not imperative, but the student must be willing to learn its basics fairly rapidly, and also willing to go into the full details of the current atmospheric boundary layer theories.
  • Capacity to code and analyze the observational data.
  • The candidate should be a student (in the second or third cycle) in Physics, Technical Physics or a similar discipline
  • Recruitment follows the rules for awarding scholarships set out in the Regulations for the awarding of scholarships in research projects financed from the resources of the National Science Center  (annexe to the resolution of the NCN Council 96/2016 of 27 October 2016) https://ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2016/uchwala96_2016-zal1.pdf

Scholarship Details:

  • Number of available scholarships: 1
  • Scholarship: 5000 PLN per month (Brutto)
  • Duration: 36 months, from October 1st, 2022
  • Submission deadline: August 20th, 2022
  • In the case that students are from outside the Republic of Poland, the scholarship does not cover the
    costs of tuition fees or removal costs.

Application Procedure: 
The candidate should provide the following documents by e-mail to the Secretariat IGF, Faculty of Physics,
University of Warsaw e-mail: sekretariat.IGF@fuw.edu.pl:
1. Application for the position required together with the acceptance for the treatment of personal data -- the information clause and the consent clause attached to the announcement. In case of
submitting the application by e-mail, please use the pdf format and the file should contain a scanned signature.
2. The acquired diploma (BSc or MSc) and information about students' careers.
3. Current CV and the list of publications
4. Contact details of two to three (maximum) persons who can provide information about the candidate.
5. In the case of foreigners outside of the EU, EFTA and the countries that are signatories to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - a document certifying a diploma in the territory of the Republic of Poland (https://nawa.gov.pl/en/recognition/recognition-for-academic-purposes/applying-for-admission-todoctoral-studies).

The candidate, in case of being accepted, will be required to present the originals of all the documents.

The entire procedure will be concluded before the 30th of August, 2022. The candidate might be asked for an interview with the recruitment commission. The candidate will be notified of the result of his/her application by e-mail.

For additional information about the project, please contact Dr Marta Waclawczyk, marta.waclawczyk@igf.fuw.edu.pl, tel. (+48) 22 55 32 037.

Originally published on - Aug. 1, 2022, 8 a.m.
Last update on - Aug. 3, 2022, 3:52 p.m.
Publisher - Sekretariat IGF
