
Zadania badawcze projektu


- WP1 - Budowa i adaptacja przyrządów in-situ oraz teledetekcyjnych do kampanii pomiarowych w Arktyce.

In this WP we will adapt and modify existing instruments to measure vertical profiles of aerosol properties in the lower troposphere (whole PBL) and develop new instruments to observe in-situ aerosol single-scattering properties, specifically absorbing properties. In addition, one of the most important goals of this work will focus on developing the strategy and logistic of field experiments at the ARR site and at Svalbard.


- WP2 - Opracowanie nowej metody do wyznaczania profilu pionowego własności optycznych aerozolu.

The objective of this work package is to develop new methods to retrieve aerosol single scattering properties from ground-based remote sensing measurements and in-situ observations onboard the RPAS. The synergy of the data obtained from in-situ and remote sensing instruments will improve techniques to measure and retrieve aerosol optical properties, particularly absorbing properties.


- WP3 - Wpływ oddziaływania atmosfery-ocean na aerozol absorbujący .

We plan to measure vertical aerosol fluxes using the eddy correlation and the gradient methods during the proposed Arctic campaigns to study removal mechanisms of absorbing aerosols from the marine boundary layer.


- WP4 - Zmienności profili pionowych własności optycznych aerozolu podczas smogu arktycznego.

In this WP we plan to determine typical vertical profiles of the optical properties in the troposphere (Arctic haze) conditions versus background conditions, and to calculate the related micro-physical parameters, over the Arctic site (Svalbard) and the Sub-Arctic site (Andoya).


- WP5 - Modelowanie własności chemicznych i optycznych aerozolu arktycznego w skali regionalnej.

The main objective of the WP is to support measurement based analyses of aerosol optical properties as well as their distribution and variability in the Arctic. Modelling will be undertaken with the GEM-AQ model which is a state-of-the-art chemical weather model.


- WP6 - Niejednorodności horyzontalna własności optycznych aerozolu w rejonie Svalbardu.

In this WP we will study changes in optical properties over the land and open sea in order to be able to provide a “map” of such changes. This will be supported by information from satellite data and the results will be used in modelling scenarios.


- WP7 - Modelowanie wymuszania radiacyjnego w rejonie Svalbardu.

The main objective of this WP is to estimate the radiative forcing of absorbing aerosols over the non-uniform Earth’s surface.


- WP8 - Modelowanie wymuszania radiacyjnego w rejonie europejskiej Arktyki.

The objective of this WP is to assess and improve the current state of modelling of direct aerosol forcing in the Arctic, and to investigate the factors that underlie the present
